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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 9 years ago

Obama vs Romney : Who would you vote for Obama or Romney?

Who would you vote, Obama or Romney?

16 Answers

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    1. He promised bipartisanship but walked away when republicans came to the table and agreed to compromise multiple times the he turned around and put the blame on them

    2. He promised he'd never raise taxes but come January 1, 2013 21 new taxes will be implemented

    3. He wasted and spent 5 times amount of tax payer money than Bush or any other president in United States History in 3.5 years

    4. He promised on camera to bankrupt coal companies and has succeeded which lead to more unemployment

    5. He denied America 20,000+ jobs and cheaper gasoline and energy independence when he shot down the keystone pipeline

    6. He broke the Constitution violating our Bill of rights. -examples: a. he broke our 1st amendment multiple times by forcing christian churches and hospitals provide abortion contraceptive or be fined until they go bankrupt which clearly violates and he blocked fox news from being able to cover the white house for his first two years in office which is a clear violation of the bill of right, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

    b. he passed an individual mandate and a fine if not purchased which violates our commerce clause

    7. He tried to due away with our 2nd amendment right by proposing a back door deal with the united nations that would of banned guns and make every any citizen who owns a gun a felon but luckily with the support of the NRA it was stopped from happening

    8. He slashed and continues to slash military funding at a " dangerous level"- Leon Panetta forcing a dramatic downsize in military when we are still at war and on the brink of getting into to 2 new wars

    10. He said " I don't take the navy seals seriously" and threw our allies under the bus multiple times

    11. He said " If I don't fix this economy in 3 years I'll be a one term president and not run again" and he has made the economy worse by doing nothing but increase spending and adding obama care and blaming all his failures and problems on the republicans

    12. He supported the occupy movement after there multiple incidents being reported of occupiers raping a 13 yr old girl, occupiers running over a pregnant woman, occupiers calling for anarchy and vandalizing public property and starting riots and even after two occupiers where caught by the FBI trying to blow a bridge and occupy wall streeters burned the American Flag on national t.v. he still stood behind them and supported their movement

    13. He was the first to complain about super pacts and dirty campaigns yet he was the first to use them and his campaign is proven to be the dirtiest campaign in U.S. History

    14. He promised to close Guantanamo but keeped it open

    15. He promised to not use executive orders to be the most transparent yet he's numb 3 in using the most and he also used it to help the AG cover up the program Fast and Furious so no government official could be held responsible for the program that took the life of and American Border Patrol Agent

    16. He gave the order to DHS to give to Border Patrol agents not to stop illegal immigrants or they will be fired and granted amnesty to illegals and helped put over 100,000 of them to work while every 1 out of 3 veterans are homeless

    17. He bowed down to the Chinese and made Closed door deals with the Russians

    18. He let his administration leak classified information multiple times to the new york times for political gain and went out to party with Jay Z after the two terrorist attack in the middle then blatantly lied about it blaming a video instead of reconizing the death of an U.S. Ambassador and U.S. Navy Seals

    19. He invested over 90 billion dallors in tax payer money into a failed green energy companys and gave them $25,000 bonuses when they were going bankrupt and invested tax dollars in mass production for car that was to expensive to buy and was pulled off the market multiple times

    20. Obama has been campaigning for re-election on tax payer money since his second year in office.

    21. Obama has repeatedly blamed republicans for the economy even thought he denied and shot 8 budgets that republicans proposed and stopped one that both the house and the senate was going to pass because a republican came up with it.

    22. Unemployment has been up 8.3% and higher for 43 months in a row and under Bush it was 7.6%

    23. Thanks to Obamas higher taxes and business regulations multiple businesses that were hiring stopped hiring and ended up going bankrupt.

    24. He rather go on Jimmy Kimmel or the View than meet with world leaders and ignore the problems at large.

    25. Before the DNC covention we were at 15trillion dollars in debt and now we are past 16.5 trillion in debt and started at 8 trillion and we are not even close to being better now than we were 4 years ago.

    **All these facts can be looked up on public record**

  • 9 years ago

    I'm votin' Romney. Obama is a joke. How the hell did he get win in the first place? The only "experience" he had was one year in senate where he voted "present" on everything. Oh yes, and after his first failed year in office, this is the man we need running our country. He's enabling people to sit on their ass while he gives them handouts and encouraging illegal immigration. That is not America.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The one who isn't on the side of Sharia Law, and won't put out country, its diplomats, and its citizens in any more danger.

    Wow, I can't believe there are people here who are still voting for Obama. We deserve the title of world's stupidest nation.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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  • 9 years ago




    got to


  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    Obama of course.

    Each day of his campaign Romney gets more RIDICULOUS,It goes beyond your face waxwork.

  • 9 years ago

    I would vote for Obama. Yes, you can dislike my opinion, but that does not change it.

  • 9 years ago

    Barack Obama has my vote. I havent agreed with his policies all that much, I am a little more liberal than him. But I trust him way more than Mitt Romney.

  • 9 years ago


    Source(s): My opinion ♥ Don't judge ♥
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