Does anyone else find the method of figuring the unemployment rate a little odd?

Last month they added 114,000 jobs and the rate dropped by .3%. This month they add 174,000 and the rate goes up by .1%. Say what?


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The numbers are not just odd
The are total fabrications. This administration has gone further than any other in how they manipulate the numbers so that the figures they release look like they are accomplishing something, rather than illustrating how badly Washington has handled this economy.

The facts are very simple
If we were using the same methods to calculate unemployment today that was used when Jimmy Carter was in office, we would have an unemployment rate of over 14%
Because the "offical" numbers do not count those that are not receiving unemployment benefits, or who are working part time while trying to find a full time job, even that number is does not reveal the entire truth.
Because of the growth in the population in this country, we have to create over 300,000 jobs a month, just to stay even.
Since the crash of 2008, we are over 12 MILLION jobs behind where we should be.
Obummer is spinning the numbers saying that he is creating jobs
He has fallen further behind every month that he has been in office

And lied to us every time he said how he was "fixing" the economy

There is but one answer
Vote on Tuesday
Throw the Bums out


Every month adding more jobs would mean there was less demand for jobs as time went on so even though there's only 2 months of results here, they make some sense. But, from a purely economic perspective, the only people calculated in unemployment numbers are people who have registered as unemployed and who are actively looking for work. People smoking crack on street corners are never counted in those unemployment numbers. :)


The huge style will be revised to 9.2% or 9.3% contained in the subsequent 2 months. both unemployment charges and GDP charges have all been revised down on Obama's watch. (I calculate unemployment at about 14% when I upload contained in the shrinkage of the artwork rigidity. For some reason the not undemanding artwork branch is telling us that the total style of human beings eligible to artwork is shrinking. they are no longer death, and all of us recognize they are nevertheless there, they are in simple terms no longer being counted for some reason. added lower back in, this money owed for one extra 4 million jobs lost assuming the inhabitants by no ability changes, extra if it has.)

Atsa me Atsa you?2012-11-03T13:59:41Z

You should know by now the government is not good with numbers and they lie to us.


Depends on who is minding the bookeeping practices, doesn't it ?

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