Isn't FEMA doing a fine job?

Here it is 1 week later and people on Staten Island still are waiting to see anyone from FEMA. Boy that Obama sure deserves praise.

Brilliant "Skippy" Answer2012-11-05T11:49:20Z

Favorite Answer

Well let's check:

Food - not really (hot chocolate)
Air - yes, not a problem getting that to people
Water - no
shelter - no

That's about a 60% FAILING GRADE.


This is false. FEMA and the red cross and the National Guard are all on staten island. Initially, they couldn't get there because yachts and downed power lines were blocking access. FEMA and our guard provided the equipment and aid workers to get into the area.


A. the only place with any problems it seems is Staten Island... out of ALL OF THE EAST COAST THAT WAS HIT... that's not too bad

B. it seems that they are getting aid now...


oh yeah, they're doing peachy. those poor people still don't have food, electricity, water, shelter or gasoline and another storm is coming weds or thurs, obama's done a fine job.


FEMA is doing a fine job, I agree.

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