How would you feel in this scenero? Your son and daughter in law are in the hospital. She is having labor?

pains. Few hours away from giving birth to your first grandchild. ( quick note, your son has physically and emotionally abused you in the past starting at the age seven. This was done by mocking, spitting on, slapped, trying to push me down stairs, at age 16 threatened to come to my home to beat me up. Also, realize that this behaviour was coached to him by his dad that I divorced when my son was six. Two years ago, my son starts coming around and I really thought he might actually love me by his recent actions.) How would you feel if you were sitting to the side of him and he tells her in front of her mother and sister, "see my mom over there, wont to tell her to get the hell out her, she was not been invited? He did ask me to come there. I just went numb and excused my self from the room.

Johnny Reb2012-11-20T13:18:12Z

Favorite Answer

You should tell your son that was the last time he will have a chance to abuse you. He is rude and selfish.


I would be worried for the unborn child...