Is there a reason Disney used the number 64 on the deck of the sheild helicarrier in the Avengers movie?

The number 64 was the USS Constellation. Why not use 66 which was the USS America? If they were going to use the number of US carrier. Or were there other reasons?


Bgee - It was a good try but Herbie had the number 53 on it.


Thats cool. I didn't know Herbie's number either. I had to look a picture of the car.


Favorite Answer

Ask china. Disney is Mainly owned overseas


I am not positive, howevetr I seem to remember that 64 was the number on Disneys Herbie The Love Bug in the movie years ago.

(Sorry, my bad)


maybe it was somebodys birthyear. Must there be a reason at all? It could be as simple as pulling the number out of nowhere or something equally non memorable like "what year did you enlist?" or "what year were you born?" " what year was "the Avengers" shown on TV?"