Why should military small arms be banned for civilians?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
That's pretty clear, the second amendment is so that civilians can protect themselves from tyranny.
And a few things to remember,
The National Guard is NOT a milita, and beacuse it is a government entity.
Attrition warfare CANNOT fight against guerilla warfare (IE, Vietnam, the American Revoltution, and that fact that the greatest military on earth is struggling to fight against 20,000 remaining Taliban in Afghanistan).
Technology does not apply to this because this is a philosophy that citizens need to be able to protect themselves (and Muskets cannot defend against tyranny, but millions of gun owners with AR-15s can).
So answer my question, why should military small arms be banned for civilians?
@Wolf Myth, Remember i'm talking about Guerilla Warfare, throughout the entire vast US. Drones, and military aircraft cannot be everywhere.
@Big Gay Allah, most pointless argument against the second amendment. WMDs have no purpose in defending liberty, therefore are not protected by the second amendment.
@Nelson, Militas are rising up all over the US right now. And even if most gun owners are not a member of a milita, we should just take away their rights, and the weapons of militias?
@ RJ, True, but i believe the National Firearms Act was unconstitutional. I don't care if you think i'm crazy, but i believe full autos, RPGs, grenades, Stinger missiles, SAM missiles, etc. should be legal for US civilians (and if our founding fathers were alive today, they would probably agree).
@Bflowing, Our president has a secret kill list, the NDAA allows the government to secretly and indefintely detain you without a trial (and even torture you), the NSA is spying on most Americans, the government is allowed unwarranted wire taps, there are 2 million Americans on the 'Terrorist Watch List', the TSA can molest you in public, and you don't think we're headed towards tyranny?
Go drink your fluroide water moron.
Again @Bflowing, and NO, the National Guard is in NO way a miltia. Read the second amendment, research the history of Militias in America, look up the definition of a miltia. THE NATIONAL GUARD IS A GOVERNMENT ENTITY, AND THEREFORE NOT A MILITIA. It is a US state's own military.
@WallyZ, "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" - Thomas Jefferson
"I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Thomas Jefferson
"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves ... and include all men capable of bearing arms." - Richard Henry Lee
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington
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