Why should military small arms be banned for civilians?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That's pretty clear, the second amendment is so that civilians can protect themselves from tyranny.

And a few things to remember,
The National Guard is NOT a milita, and beacuse it is a government entity.

Attrition warfare CANNOT fight against guerilla warfare (IE, Vietnam, the American Revoltution, and that fact that the greatest military on earth is struggling to fight against 20,000 remaining Taliban in Afghanistan).

Technology does not apply to this because this is a philosophy that citizens need to be able to protect themselves (and Muskets cannot defend against tyranny, but millions of gun owners with AR-15s can).



So answer my question, why should military small arms be banned for civilians?


@Wolf Myth, Remember i'm talking about Guerilla Warfare, throughout the entire vast US. Drones, and military aircraft cannot be everywhere.


@Big Gay Allah, most pointless argument against the second amendment. WMDs have no purpose in defending liberty, therefore are not protected by the second amendment.


@Nelson, Militas are rising up all over the US right now. And even if most gun owners are not a member of a milita, we should just take away their rights, and the weapons of militias?


@ RJ, True, but i believe the National Firearms Act was unconstitutional. I don't care if you think i'm crazy, but i believe full autos, RPGs, grenades, Stinger missiles, SAM missiles, etc. should be legal for US civilians (and if our founding fathers were alive today, they would probably agree).


@Bflowing, Our president has a secret kill list, the NDAA allows the government to secretly and indefintely detain you without a trial (and even torture you), the NSA is spying on most Americans, the government is allowed unwarranted wire taps, there are 2 million Americans on the 'Terrorist Watch List', the TSA can molest you in public, and you don't think we're headed towards tyranny?

Go drink your fluroide water moron.


Again @Bflowing, and NO, the National Guard is in NO way a miltia. Read the second amendment, research the history of Militias in America, look up the definition of a miltia. THE NATIONAL GUARD IS A GOVERNMENT ENTITY, AND THEREFORE NOT A MILITIA. It is a US state's own military.


@WallyZ, "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" - Thomas Jefferson

"I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Thomas Jefferson

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves ... and include all men capable of bearing arms." - Richard Henry Lee

"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington

Need anymore?

Rhymes with Loner2013-01-04T17:55:46Z

Favorite Answer

Three articles (well two academic articles and a quotation) that every student, every politician and every media campaigner should read. And have explained to them if necessary.

Start with the quote;


Jefferson made numerous references to the purpose and meaning of the Second Amendment, this one is very good in that it tends to roll several of them into one. For that reason there has been a campaign of late to prove that he never said that. Having made that statement, I can't find the site that called it bogus. They do have their work cut out for them as proving the null case is always impossible. Here are quotes on the subject from several people that show what the founding fathers intended.


Next, take a look at what "well regulated" was taken to mean. It was insuring that this part of the law were upheld that caused certain national organizations to be founded.


You have probably noticed that nowhere is there an implication that the law is in reference to sports or subsistence hunting. In the first draft of the Second Amendment, there was a prohibition against members of the militia being conscripted into military service. Only an all volunteer military was intended. But in the final form, that has been removed opening the way for the well regulated militia members to be conscripted. And that brings us to what exactly can a militia be if at first they wanted to prohibit it being part of the military? This last article covers it very well;


One of the most important concepts contained in this article takes us back to the Jefferson Quote, and restates it plainly.

"Just as militias are essentially local, so also are they essentially independent of established authorities, since the militia may have to challenge or bypass those authorities if they abuse their authority or fail to perform their lawful duties."

All the opportunistic politicians and media types have managed to do is to convince an awful lot of people that we have arrived at that point where the law is needed, where it may be time to challenge abusive authority.


< The National Guard is NOT a milita, and beacuse it is a government entity.
The definition of a milita does not say it isn't a government entity. It is sometimes called an irregular army because they are not employed full time. Although the government had trouble raising the money, the militia during the revolutionary war did get paid.
< the greatest military on earth is struggling to fight against 20,000 remaining Taliban
They are not fighting the Taliban, they are fighting Al Qaeda, the number is less than 1,000, and they aren't even fighting anymore, they are training Afghani police and soldiers.
< That's pretty clear, the second amendment is so that civilians can protect themselves from tyranny.
Not even close. No country legalizes a way to overthrow the government by force. The reason for the militia is that George Washington and most of the founders did not want a standing military (army and Navy). They decided on a militia form of defense and created the post office as the method of calling up troops to DEFEND the country. This militia consisted of ALL able bodied white males between the ages of 18 and 45 and the Militia Act of 1792 specified how they would arm themselves. z


You are aware that police are civilians too, aren't you? Yet the have military weapons such as sub-machine guns, armored vehicles, drones (a drone in Houston crashed into what was described as a "police tank" during training.

A militia is all the men above the age of 17 who are in fit condition, it is specifically not ruled by any governmental body at any level BECAUSE the purpose of the militia is to take over when the government becomes oppressive.

To make that happen, our militia is supposed to be well regulated. That means they have access to weapons as god as or better than those the military and the police and other civilian organizations have, and know how to use them.

That is the basis of a free nation.


The National Guard is what the founders would consider a militia. A militia back then, was organized and regulated by the community. It was never intended to be private armies.
You claim you need the weapons to fight tyranny, but how do you define it? Just because your candidates didn't win, and your political parties platforms are losing, is not tyranny.
Even the conservative Supreme Court ruled certain dangerous or unusual weapons can be banned.


they should not be banned. why should law abbieding citizens of the same country not have the same arms as those protecting them. there is no reason except that our government has been comprimised and they are not going to stop untill the common person with a gun is considered uncommon. they want everyone to think that anyone with a gun is a crazy person just waiting to go on a rampage. and most people are dumb enough to belive it. that is the problem “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” there is another good quote from our forefathers that is better than i have every heard any of our presidents or congress ever say. we need to go back to the old way of thinking and try and fix the mess we are in although it might be to late

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