!Question to the "Faithful Catholics" in the Philippines:?
The Catholic Church is trying hard to organize the "Faithful Catholics" to oppose and "revolt" against the government with the passing of the "contraceptives law approval" Why don't they instead organize the masses to faithfully follow and obey the Church contraception's contraception's their faithful members to be really faithful to the Church to their Church teachings?
Favorite Answer
I don't know. But I have another suggestion. How about the government only provide state funded contraception to non-Catholics. The Catholic church can't complain about that, because it doesn't affect them. I think if that happens, the Catholic church would change its mind quickly so it didn't lose members.
I'm a Catholic but I let God and God alone judge me.
If the Catholic Church in the Philippines would talk more against homosexuality and less about opposing contraceptives then maybe just maybe there might be some moral grounds within the population to fight STDs like HIV AIDS.
Instead what you get is more children added to the already population explosion.
Then, there is the problem of DIVORCE. The Philippines, the only country outside the Vatican where there is no divorce.
Come on, man, its your country, lets try to fix it. You're losing ground and losing Catholics.
Have you ever seen a hungry priest or nun. Would they starve to feed the children they want to be born. The world has enough people in it without interference from a religion.
This where you going to test the hypocrites who profess christians but on the side they do evils. Look some of them online. By the way Vatican is loosing lots of fidels every year, they are being criticize constantly. Benoit 16 when he speaks he cannot articulate, his tongue is entangled, difficult to express the words, everybody is mocking at him, the living mortal god of man who resides in the midst of Gog the Magog. We always say that Politic and religion is a dir'ty business. 2 things should be apart. Hitler was a catholic since there was a rumor he was a former Gitan from Romania. He sold his soul to Satan by annihilating believers mocking God on the other hand he was with John Paul while ordering a mass massacre. For this reason why catholic lost a lot of fidels when the pope blessing those mass annihilation in the name of God.
If the church would help those starving children. If the church would help those children who instead of spending their time in school, but doing 'manual labor' to help their irresponsible parents. If the church would help those children who have been abused. If the church would help those children that are used as human shield in times of war.
I have not seen any of those supposedly men of god visible in times when children need them most. Yet, they have the audacity to oppose something that could put a stop on all these.
Give on to Caesar what is to Caesar and to god what is to god. That's what the jesus had said.
And, what is to god, protect the children, and not for those cloaked, allegedly men of god, sexually abuse them.
Are you a Catholic Priest. Give a beggar like me money, better yet, help me make a living, instead of shoving me away when I stand in front of the supposedly house of your god.
BTW, why would a god need a house worth billions, if he lives in the heart of every man?