Shall we discuss the merits of picatinny rails on rifles?

Ok, so I was sitting in McDonald's today, chowing-down on a McRib sandwich and sipping my Coke, when I suddenly got an epiphany of sorts. I don't know where it came from, but it just struck me.

I absolute hate picatinny rails on rifles. I always figured they were uuseless for accessorizing the AR-15 platform rifles. That things like ffore-gripsactually make it harder to achieve accurate long range shooting. That lights actually giveaway the shooters position in a tactical situation. That lasers are pretty much useless in daylight conditions. That all of that bulky "stuff" hanging from the forearm of a rifle will actually create issues with the guns "snagging" on other debris in both open and urban settings.

But then it hit me! The bulk. The weight. The mass, if you will. I can recall speaking with AR-15 shooters that competed in NRA High Power Matches. They explained that they used bags of lead shot and placed them inside the stock compartments to give the rifles more weight. They also placed steel rods inside the forearms of the AR-15s to add weight to the barrel area. Brilliant! The added weight actually stabilizes the rifle for long range shooting. It also helps to control muzzle climb when firing.

Ok, so now my question is as follows. What accessories attached to a picatinny rail are actually useful? Do you like the rails? Or are you a "hater" like me? Feel free to give your real word experiences and preferences.


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and the AR service rifles add the lead where? in the trap door for the cleaning kit... at the butt end.

Rails are for hanging lights, Eotechs, strobes, blenders, toasters and grenade launchers.

To tell the truth.... it's a great way to tailor a fighting carbine for mission specific tasks... but do I really need a laser identifier and 3 sighting systems on a rail to punch tin cans at the gravel pit?

The AR in the native state is a light handy rifle... the M4 variants make the rifle better and easier to use quickly from a motor vehical or in QCB entry work. But when the rifle gets way past 7 pounds you really need to justify the do dads and add ons in my opinion.


Rifle Picatinny Rail

Brian V2013-01-05T17:15:31Z

Honestly, I kind of agree with you. I'm not a big fan of hanging 5 pounds of junk off of my Rifle either. However, I do have a Picatinny Tri-Rail on my AK, to which I have a Surefire tact-light, and a 5mw Green Laser mounted. I like it that way, but it does make her a little clunkier to move around as you said. I've tried a couple fore-grips, but I never found any I liked. Oh, and I also used a piece of rail to mount another Surefire to the slide of my Remington 870 Express Magnum. I use that for my home defense gun, so the tact-light actually might come in handy someday.
Welp, that's my take on Picatinny Rails, hope that helps!

Stressed out2013-01-05T17:05:02Z

I like the rails, you can interchange in between different aiming devices without sight adjustments, if you remembered where and dialed them in the first place. As for a light, well I had to clear dark rooms before, do it once without one, then a light becomes your best friend. I have a laser, but that is just for fun. The main problem about snagging, for me, is the all the armor and the vest that a had to wear. If I was on my own that helmet is gone. So I love the rails, and I love the classic look with the carry handle, A2 style.


The way I figure it, there is no need for rails on the hand guard. If you want something to rip up your off hand, you could wrap barb wire around the hand guard. You did make me think that a brick with a rail mount might be useful for long range shooting. You could hang it under the hand guard. I figure that a light on a gun makes a real good target for a bad guy and you are point a loaded rifle at anything you point your light at. I always carry a light low and to the outside when I am checking for bad guys, but that is with a handgun.

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