From an Anti-Gun/Assault rifle Brit, Gun controls, do they work?

I've been reading up on the subject lately and i finding, after admittedly little research, that stricter gun laws do not
a) Lead to fewer gun homicides b) Do not lower crime rates

By this i mean when a country impliments the gun controls gun homicides do not drop, in the UK in 1996 'gun controls' were made stricter yet the gun deaths from 1995-2006, if my data is correct remain at around 70-50, with highest value of 90+ being after gun controls were introduced. (on the other hand i realize that before 1996 handguns and assault rifles were already banned)

MY QUESTION: Will gun control, eg. removing guns work in the short term, if not will they be benificial in the long term. Is there any statistical evidence of countries introducing gun controls then either a few years or many years later gun homicides being dramatically lower than countries which did not introduce gun controls? I have read serveral opinions that it the culture to blame but i have not found evidence for or against this, and as usual the articles provide no evidence themselves.



@Rockhunt- What the hell are you on about?


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I have a first hand view of what young adults and teenagers are seeing and doing in our post-religious society. In America we have thrown off the “chains” of religious tyranny; but in doing so what have we exchanged it for? In the wake of mass shootings and unimaginable death we come together as a society and demand answers to a problem that we have ourselves created. When you demand a Godless society be prepared to live in a lawless world.

I am old enough to remember prayer in my local elementary school and saying the pledge of allegiance without fear of offending someone. However, this generation has now become the generation of fatherless children and soulless individuals who think or care little for others and feel as though everything is permitted.

We put a lot of stock in our founding fathers as Americans and so, when I began this intellectual quest to answer the question as to why people are killing scores of people for no reason, I started with John Adams. Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” When we turned away from God and our morality, we turned away from self-government. The whole idea of a free nation was that people were moral enough to govern themselves.

The real truth is that guns are not dooming our society, we are. Kids today are bombarded by a toxic flood of death, sex and drugs from the time they are old enough to turn on the television. We tell our children that there is no judgment and no God to answer to and then we sit in awe when a twenty year old kills twenty-six people, twenty of them children, right before Christmas. We have replaced God with self and now instead of facing the facts, we would rather blame inanimate objects than ourselves.

There have been school shootings since the beginning of our great nation. However before 1989 there were but a handful of mass killings in our schools. But after 1989 there were forty such occurrences. We find all kinds of reasons as to why these things happen; people are crazy, kids play violent video games, guns are too easy to get and so on. But how can we expect anything less in a world where we freely accept people who are governed by their own hedonistic desires and where drugs and alcohol flood our streets like open sewers.

To pretend like we can legislate away our broken moral compass is to pretend that we can put out a fire by simply ignoring it. Guns have been a part of American culture since the beginning. George Washington famously said a free people ought to be armed. Are we still a free people? This new age of political correctness we live in is nothing more than tyranny with manners according to the late Charlton Heston. Along with this political correctness has come this idea that we cannot judge another person based upon the morality of their actions.

An immoral and Godless people have no problem killing each other. This is the real issue. Many of the same people who fed us this Cultural Revolution garbage and pontificated to us about the merits of infanticide also want us to believe that guns are the real issue here. Unfortunately it is the depravity of people. Almost seven times more people were killed with knives last year than rifles of any kind and caliber. Twice as many people were killed with hands and feet. Until we stop trying to make guns illegal and start trying to repair the forty plus years of moral decay and rot, my generation will always be known as the generation of Sex, Drugs and Lock n’ Load.


Degree in History ,focus Jewish studies, New Mexico State University, 1990


In Japan but Japan is a completely different culture and they have very high suicide rates. AFter the tsunami they didn't even have riots, compare that to the US and Katrina and all the riots and rapes and other crimes that were committed by criminals and by police.

If you look at the US where guns have bee n banned the opposite has happened. For example Connecticut has the assault rifle bans that liberals want and you probably know what happened in Connecticut, it also has the 5th overall strictest gun laws in the nation. Columbine happened during the national weapons ban, the north Hollywood shootout happened during the national weapons ban.

There are two places in the US where the 2nd amendment was outright banned. It was Chicago and DC, if you lived in those states between a certain time, you could not own a gun legally. DC was the murder capitol of the US during that 40 year ban. DC recently got its 2nd rights back and for the first time in 40 years their homicide rate fell below 100 a year. Chicago also got its 2nd rights back but they made laws to make it impossible to legally buy a gun and its illegal to carry, crime continues to go up in Chicago.

Wyoming passed constitutional carry in 2011 and in 2012 they only had 21 homicides.


The main statistic people will point their fingers to when comparing crime before and after gun control laws are put into effect is the gun violence rate. Without a doubt, this rate has gone down. What has not gone down (and in fact has risen) is the violent crime rate. Now that innocent people have no gun to defend themselves, they cannot stop a robbery, a rape, a murder, etc. Whether guns are legal or not, those who want to use one for an unlawful purpose will find a way to obtain one, or they will use something else like a knife or an explosive.

Hope this helps.


No it wont change anything. Even if gun sales were baned their are so many guns out there already that it wouldnt matter. Its like anything else thats illigal...take drugs for example. People still produce, sell and buy them legal or not. The same will go for guns. Its not about the people and a safer world its about power, control and money.

JOHN G2013-01-11T03:43:34Z

The UK has never had a gun culture, even before they banned hand guns less than 1% of people owned one so why compare the UK & US when we have totally different attitudes ?

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