taxation without representation?
is over spending misrepresentation. should our taxes be increased to support government spending?
is over spending misrepresentation. should our taxes be increased to support government spending?
Ty A
Favorite Answer
Nah, not misrepresentation, just stupid, especially on a National scale. Tax revenues increase at lower taxe rates. Fact.
I think you can look at it two ways. First knowing that a tax cut would result in debt, should Busha and Obama have cut taxes? It's a simple reverse question. I mean all the time we hear that we can't spend (usually on liberal programs but anything conservative is ok) because of the deficit. Thus there's no money for anything. The problem isn't that we want to raise taxes, but the problem is we never could have afforded the tax cuts we made. If taxes were at a modern high, I'd say, damn the govt. But since taxes last month were at a modern low (lower than Reagan and Bush and Clinton, etc), I'd say not so fast.
That phrase referred to colonial America and why it fought the War of Independence. You may now be taxed by an American who is every bit as crazy as George lll, but he/she is an American - end of story.
They should make a law that say if the Congress over spends then they are not eligible for re-election .
You're really a silly guy! Just because you disagree with something does not mean the Congress does not represent the American people. If anything, Congress overrepresents people like you.
grow up.