If Socialism is far left, why was World War 2's Nazi Party considered far right?


Favorite Answer

Because Hitler was a Fascist

World English Dictionary

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)
— n
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

EDIT: LOL, Y'all right wing nuts can give me all the thumbs down you want, but you can't change the facts, History OR the definition of Fascism.... (but I have noticed that a good many of you like to try, Regularly...I'll give you an A in Consistency to go with your F in Politics and History)


Because the Nazi Party was a fascist government, which is far-right.

The Nazis identified as socialist, but the policies they practiced were very anti-left. If you research the "14 rules of fascism", the Nazi party fell in line with all 14 rules.


Socialism can come in two different forms.

Marxist socialism is just a lower stage of communism, and it is run primarily by workers unions and democratic counsels. Definitely a far-left standpoint that is more easily adopted by libertarian types than central controllers.

National-socialist, state-socialism, whatever you call it, is the system that the Nazis, Soviets, Chinese (to a lesser extent), etc used in the Red Age. Each of which, despite the rhetoric of their campaigns, came to power on the backs of labor movements and crushed the working class. The working class hated them. They were not among the ranks of leftists even at the time, and certainly wouldn't be now. Each of those political parties attacked the revolutionary groups and labor unions that brought them to power in the first place. Such is the nature of Fascism, or national socialism.

French Model - Bonjour2013-02-04T17:37:01Z

The fact is that the ideology of the far left and the ideology of the Nazi party almost mirrors each other. The left in this country couldn't admit that, so for decades they have been deriding the right as fascist/Nazi. And you know what they say: a lie told often enough somehow becomes the truth.

Just look up the Nazi ideals, they resemble the modern day left ideals. The claim by slap happy that the nazis opposed socialism is a bare faced lie. The nazis were themselves socialist. And they took socialism to its logical extreme.


The National Socialists lied about everything. They called themselves that because they were hiding their true agenda.

If you look into the Nuremberg war crimes trials you will discover that the Nazis were elected with the backing of the corporate sector. The Minutes of a meeting in 1932 where Krupp and I.G. Farben agreed to throw their support behind the "National Socialists" in exchange for anti union legislation still exist and were introduced as evidence.

As George Orwell pointed out in 1984, would be dictators frequently claim to be exactly the opposite of what they truly are. He calls it "Newspeak", but it is actually a very old phenomenon.

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