A young man in parking lot asking for money, what would you do?

He told me his pickup and gas can were up the road. What would you do? I told him I would leave money at the gas station in the same parking lot. He walked away. What would you do?


Favorite Answer

You thought fast and did the right thing. The fact that he walked away told the whole story. Good for you.


"Pickup and gas can were up the road?" Red Flag right there-he thought you'd fall for it.

You did the right thing. Who knows-he could have had someone else sitting in his pickup truck, slouched down in his seat. Go there, and all bets would have been off.

I would have said: "Sorry, don't have any", gotten into my car, dialed 911 and given a full description of the guy.


I would say sorry, don't have any money and keep walking. Too many of these people are career beggars.
I once came out of a building downtown, and a middle-aged woman stopped me by the door and started giving me a sob story about an emergency. She needed some money right away for a cab to get to her sick mother at the hospital. I didn't believe her and kept walking. About a week later, the same woman stopped me again, same place, same story. I guess she tried this with so many people she didn't realize she had already tried it with me.


You can't be too careful these days - sounds like you did the right thing. I've had it happen to me a few times - Some I have helped and one similar to your situation wanted me to follow him to the gas station - after we got there he tried to tell me he left his drivers license at home in his wallet - I got out of ther fast!! and I did not get him any gas:D

One lady was in a Kroger parking lot - she was crying and told me her story - all I had was $6 - the Lord laid it on my heart to give it to her - I did and also invited her to church. A couple days later I went to 7-eleven - pumped my gas $7 and went in the store got some coffee and when the cashier rang me up - they could not find where I had gotten $7 in gas - my car was still at the pump - so he said you don't have to pay - we cannot find that you got gas. True Story :D I know the Lord blesses in different ways especially when we obey his voice.

Jodi D2013-02-11T01:39:44Z

I don't have a policy on this issue and I'm not consistent. I do what feels right at the time. I have sometimes given away my last $5, and sometimes I've said "no" when I had plenty of money. I never regret giving, but I often feel bad about not giving. What if I turned away the only truly needy person who ever asked me for help?

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