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My wife thinks I am an embarrassment to the whole trailer park for the Christmas play I put on; is she right?
See, the kids are all more excited about Christmas than a guy locked up is about a new "first-timer" cellmate, and the beer had managed to find its way down my throat in quantity, so the kids and I decided to put on a play for the whole trailer park on our front lawn. We invited all of the neighbors and appealed to everyone to remember the spirit of the season, so as to refrain from getting into fights over seeing that hussy your old man did the bone dance with, or over the guy who promised to pay you back for ruining your only VHS copy of "Horny Potter and The Breast-y Harlots" but never did; we wanted a respectful audience, so imposed a 6 beer limit, you see. I spent a great deal of time working on the script, and with the help of a mighty lot of PBR, I believe I captured the true meaning of Christmas in what I had written. The kids and I rehearsed, and we were all excited for the evening of the production.
Anyway, the audience gathered, all in the good cheer of the season, and everyone was well-behaved; only a few profanities were exchanged between neighbors, and hardly anyone dropped cigarette ashes on the bucket of KFC that was being passed around. The play began with our youngest, little Titus, wandering out dressed as a shepherd in one of my wife's old stretched-out tube tops and asking, "Can anyone tell me where the Christ child is?" I then walked out dressed in the old prison jumpsuit that the warden at Chino let me have as a reminder of all the fond memories from my time there, and I rattled my old hand cuffs and said, "Ooooohhh! Ooooohhhh! I am the ghost of Bob Marley, condemned to walk the earth in chains for not keeping the Christmas spirit alive! You will tonight be visited by three ghosts, who will point you on your way! Ooooohhhhh!!!!"
This was followed by our kids Buford, Joey and Clem, all dressed in finery as the ghost of the Three Wise Men, decked out with the remains of our old aluminum Christmas tree that fell apart long ago, who sang "Frosty The Snowman", and exhorted the audience to remember what Christmas was all about. Titus asked the ghosts, "Is Christmas about toys?", and the wise men said no. "Is it about Santa?" The wise men again answered no. Titus then looked down and said, "But I'm just a kid who lives in a trailer...what should Christmas mean to me, if there are no presents and no Santa?" Our daughter Tammy Sue then came around the corner of the trailer riding our very obese german shepherd, Sally, who we had put reindeer antlers and jingle bells on, and holding aloft her doll whose hair she had done up like Elvis, crying, "For unto you a child is born! Peace on earth, Goodwill and Salvation Army for all men!" I swear there wasn't a dry eye in the place.
Well, I am real proud of how well the kids did, and I think we managed a right good turn for our neighbors, but my wife seems to think that I just embarrassed the whole family, and she says I got the Bible story all wrong, but I think I did okay, 'cept I forgot to put in the part where all the angels say "Hark!" and Harold sings, but I don't think anyone noticed. Anyway, my wife is saying I should be ashamed for sullying Christ's birth so, and should apologize to the neighbors for subjecting them to this holiday travesty. Is she right, and should I apologize? I really am sort of shy to go around to the neighbors offering apologies, on account of I owe several of them money.
Your thoughts and any advice are most welcome.
13 Answers
- manuelLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
At least you didn't have the kids give Baby Jesus the gift of Frankenstein like you did last year.
- 1 decade ago
Write a novel. Please.
You should respect your wife's opinion in all cases. If she thinks it was that bad, you have to respect her want to keep your reputation up in the trailer park. She's just being protective and loving, no matter how angry or disappointed she may seem on the outside.
Source(s): mai hart - Off My MedsLv 51 decade ago
Well she should be pissed. The Ghost of Bob Marley didn't pass the spliff to all your fine neighbors. Seriously dude, where the hell are your manners?
BTW: Once again I feel compelled to encourage you to try your hand at a novel, your talents really are wasted here.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Sounds like a lot of fun, but the 6 beer limit ruined it for me.
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- going postalLv 41 decade ago
i was at your ****** play and you no it woulda been ok if that idiot brother in law of your who played Josef wasnt over in back of the stabel gettin a bj from that slut next door, hell my little 5 year old twins Mildred and Herman saw him, now they are doing that to each other. and yuo arre right you effer, u still owe me for that last batch of meth that you just had to have and swor you would pay me when youre welfare check came in. its way past the first, pay up mo fo
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Sweetheart, I would have PAID to see that...and more than you get down the corner, too. Bless your little heart. LOL
*Leaves Jack a new pair of shiny red stiletto pumps*
- 1 decade ago
LOL! Let me know when the novel version comes out. I might just have to shell out for the hardcover addition.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
This is a masterpiece that I shall not taint with an inferior answer, lol.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Tell her to grow some balls and find a sense of humor. I would of paid to see that. :)
- Anonymous1 decade ago
lol did you just really write all that or copy and paste? Naughty S.M. naughty naughty.