Should the state of New York split into two states?
If you answer yes, where should the new border be?
My answer ... YES! The border should commence at the point where the Northwest border of Sullivan County meets the Pennsylvania border following the northern border of Ulster and Dutchess County, terminating at the point defined by the junction of the Northeast border of Dutchess County, NY and the State of Connecticut.
This change would transform the most dysfunctional State government in the United States into two more functional State governments. The downstate region would retain the name New York ... the Upstate region would assume the name "New Amsterdam" (the colonial name for this region of the country).
@ Patriot ... what are my reasons? Are you BLIND? The downstate political machine has been running things for too damn long! Time to let them have their freedom, and we in Upstate will go our way peacefully. New York would quickly restore the "lost" population, as Northern New Jersey, Southern Connecticut and a slice of Northeast Pennsylvania would join the "NEW New York" to create a new "megastate" high in population per square mile.
Meanwhile ... the NEW state of New Amsterdam would be free to seek it's own fortune! No longer a slave to the New York City political machine this new state would be free to pass laws that actually make sense in "the wild west, (defined by Senator Schumer as anything west of the Hudson River)".
Both states would see new advantages, neither would suffer any loss. New York would be free to connect with residents of New Jersey and Connecticut that share their vision, New Amsterdam would gain a voice in th