Do you recognize diversity in the kata you do?

I mean as you delve into bunkai/oyo, do you see many things coming to light, or is it the same old same old thing each time? Just how much is in there?


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Only after you and other Top Contributors have repeatedly mentioned bunkai. Before that no, because Kajukenbo never emphasized bunkai, only technique combinations.

Now I understand that every single movement has a practical application, even if it is still not obvious to me now. If it wasn't practical, it wouldn't have been put into the kata in the first place.


Definitely. When I was taught the bunkai of a certain kata, that was what I thought it was, that's it. But when I started teaching myself and delved into it more, I recognized just how much more there was to these moves. Use the move after to come up with something new or the move before or different scenarios (ie. would it be used the same if used in a tight space or in a wide open space, etc.)
I'm sure there is a limit but I haven't found it yet.


Yes. I continue to look for more applications within kata. I enjoy learning something that is new to me in the kata. But it also makes me think.

What did the original creators of the kata have in mind? Is it anything close to the things that we use now. How many of the things that we were taught and teach was not part of the original plan?

These answers we will never know as I don't believe there are any historical recorded records of this.


I'm always looking for other applications and alternatives, in order to find the bunkai, i research other version of the kata as well as the history of the kata and the creator when possible. to find out what possibility that kata can hold.
i believe you can spend decades on a single kata and not find everything it holds


Kata's have so many hidden moves in their bunkai that it is like peeling an onion. You uncover one layer and then there is another to peel off. If you study kata's long enough you will find many hidden techniques.

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