Favorite Answer
Every pessimist has to live with an optimist.
Occasionally I am clever enough to do this.
My first response to change is usually resistance, or seeing it negatively.
On closer observation I recognize that it is only an opportunity that I am misperceiving as something negative.
This allows me to work within the situation in a positive rather than a negative mind set.
Kay Ester
I used to work under someone who dealt with everything positively. It wasn't that fake positive pretending it didn't happen. It wasn't always a pleasant positive. However, they seemed to just turn it to not be a negative. It was disconcerting to me at times. It took a while to realize what was happening. Once I did it was easier. However, I still couldn't figure out how it was done and barely could explain it to you. I think it came from a place of survival and being in charge.
Depends on the situation...
Ashith Naik
But it also depends on situation...