Red shift differences?
Is there anybody and if so who, making a study of the red shift of galaxies and there differences? In other words is anybody looking to see if our universe is accelerating faster in different directions?
Is there anybody and if so who, making a study of the red shift of galaxies and there differences? In other words is anybody looking to see if our universe is accelerating faster in different directions?
Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc
The Hubble constant is useful here. Basically, it shows that the further away 2 galaxies are in space, the faster they are receding from each other.
The universe isn't actually expanding at all. The idea that it does comes from misinterpreting galactic redshifts as a doppler effect when they are actually a scattering effect. The galaxies are not generally receding from each other at all. Their light simply loses energy through it's interaction with the intergalactic medium...
If the universe was expanding quasars would show time dilation effects but they don't:
This documentary may enlighten you:
I recommend reading Scowie's links.
Starrysky : What you refer to as " the lunatic fringe minority of science " are in fact respected leaders in their fields. They are in the minority because they dare to think differently, but minority does not mean wrong. Without alternative thinkers such as Einstein, Newton, Maxwell, we would have no major advancements in science