What kind of dog is the best?

For superior intelligence, undisruptive behavior and a good watch dog, what kind of dog do I need?


I was thinking about a half wolf half huskey mix and naming it Hamburger.


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I say ROBERT, that's something I've also thought about A lab is the best, they are smart and very nice. Well take care ROBERT.


It's hard to find a dog with all three. Labs are very calm and intelligent while German Shepherds are good watch dogs. I personally have two dachshunds.. they are tiny but just as fierce as any other dog could be. If you're leaning more towards good watch dog I'd go with a husky or german shepherd. I have to warn you, they aren't the best around children and dogs in general need tons of exercise. Labs also barely shed at all while Golden Retrievers tend to. So it honestly depends on how you get along with the dog you have your eye on. Different dogs have different behaviors/ personalities just like us people. There's a limit to stereo-typing everything. Good luck finding a dog! :)


All dogs have some kind of behavioral issue so it is up to the owner to train the dog to behave.Your dog depends on size of the yard,larger dogs require lots of food and walks. Fox Terriers make good watch dogs,Terriers like to dig.


There is no best, all dogs are good if bred properly.
The top three most Intelligent dog breeds are
1)Border Collie
2) Poodle all three sizes
3) German Shepherd Dog.


I'll try to answer this before I sit down to watch the Big Bang Theory. A yorkie if you just want a watch dog but it can't protect you Laters!

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