got a question for those that have been on the other end of the cheats?

my girlfriend has been not quite upfront with me on a few things. most minimal are the zippos she bought for her and her daughter. ok realize i have no issue with that. where the issue is with it is she told me that she had bought them then not even 2 weeks later she tells me she didn't buy them that her daughter did. she also , as her significant other,that she only got 1900 back in taxes, she told them another , higher number and when asked about that she said she was trying to keep some of the money from being spent. granted another non issue. and no i did not ask her how much she was getting back she told me this, come to find out she got 5K back. as the siggy , the fact she is not being straight forward with me tells volumes. those that have been cheated on know what i;m saying.
so here's my question she just got me and herself a new cell phone, samsung rugby pro, nice phone BTW. it runs android and i would like to track her where abouts during the times she is out of pocket, i.e. when she is off far longer than she should be. doesn't happen very often but it does. how ever she has been having a lot of meetings lately.
does any know of a cell tracker program that is simple and discreet? and would i have to "jail break " the phone or is there an app or down load that can do the tracking with out jailbreaking it. i don't need texts, conversations, or anything like that, just need close to real time location ping.
please help if you have used any of the free or low buck tracker ware. thx


everreADY brought up a point about not keeping stories straight, thx for the reply everready. she didn't always have the cant keep the story straight problem, that occurred after a car accident in 08, you know that spot on the skull that if you hit it with a object with little force it can kill? yeh right behind the ear? she has a skull fracture from that accident in that area. as for the self esteem problem, yeh my kids grabbed the jar of self esteem and were playing with it in the back yard, so they got it i have none left,lol


Trust issues always wreck relationships. There are two of them. Sex and money.

You only need one of them to do it and in your case it's money, so you don't need the sex angle as well, as in tracking where she is.

. . . . ' and yes, there are apps on the internet with complete instructions on how to set them up and how to track someone's cell phone location right down to the metre or yard. Because doing it is an invasion of privacy you will have to look for yourself.


how little you must think of yourself to be with a woman that cannot tell the same story twice the same way. find one that is not afraid to tell the truth. she cares about the important things in ife, like self esteem.