Why do humans care so much about what color people are, when...?

...in the rest of the animal world color variation is extremely common and means nothing at all?

For example, when my cat had kittens, there were three different fur colors in the one litter (two black, one white, and two orange & black striped). If what color you are is so important, why didn't my cats hate each other?

Bill Lumbergh2013-02-28T13:20:50Z

Favorite Answer

Sorry to sound like a bigot, but statistically speaking, you are safer staying away from criminals. If one group has a high percentage of criminals, and you avoid them, you are safer.


Some of us don't let the color of a persons skin take away from the fact that they are human. Some people see color and not the person and some see the person and not the color.


The American Indians were right in their avoidance of the unknown, yet the Caucasian pigs caught them, depleted and stuffed their remains into Casinos...

Today, there is a more sociological than genetic reason to why people tend to stay in their herd... To some its about taste :P

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just want to feel superior to 1 another its that simple there is no real reason people just like the thought of being better than the next person that's how I feel about it


And the littermates thus get used to diversity. We humans look like our parents, except in interracial partnerships.

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