If you were asked to establish a Grounding for a One World religion, what would you choose to do towards that goal? This is a serious question and one that bothers me, so I hope I can obtain some help to get my thoughts straight on the issue.
Their are thousand of different religions and over 900 different Protestant religions today. It would be one very big war with people fighting each other for their religion to be selected as the one religion. Those are my thoughts.
probably stage a world wide economic break down, so everything is in chaos, and come up with a solution that everyone will think you are the Messiah yourself.
it would be a beautiful world if everyone would Love the Lord Jesus with all their, heart,soul,strength and mind.Believe trust and follow his teachings. Even if they are way beyond ,and they are,your understanding,trust him and obey only him.Just think how much better the world would be!!!!