What does it mean to have a dream about being pregnant?

Last night i had a dream of me being pregnant. I didn't see myself with a big tummy but i remember touching my stomach and feeling the head or some part of the body of the baby. I also remember my mom telling me to take a pregnancy test and in my dream i was scared to death.


I had unprotected sex but i took a pregnancy test twice and i even went to my doctor and i'm not pregnant. I think i've been stressing too much :/

Planck Epoch2013-03-10T23:54:19Z

Favorite Answer

Has it been something you have been thinking about recently? Is it something you desire? Or something you fear? Our brain is a strange organ and dreams are not completely understood. I would guess it is something you have thought of and have an opinion about one way or another and it crept into your subconscious dreaming that night.


Means you had a dream about being pregnant.... lol.... nothing else. Pregnancy dreams arent a sign of pregnancy. I had my daughter 2 weeks ago and have had dreams about being pregnant since. Considering i obviously am not allowed to have sex for a few more weeks im obviojsly not pregnant. Means nothing.

Aaron Mcgrath2013-03-11T06:48:55Z

lol its an opiphony... aka your scrrewed lmao jk prolly dont meen anything were you talking about pregnancy earlyer that day? if so that explaines it