I am so confused right now.read description. Please answer :(?
Okay so I have been best friends with this guy for about a year and I've liked him ever since I met him we are really close friends and I love him and I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. We hangout ALL the time like sometimes 4-5 days a week and we go shopping,out to eat,to the movies but I always find myself getting jealous and I hate it. Cuz almost all of his friends are girls and he calls them gorgeous or he'll be really flirty with them or like he has one other best friend who's also a girl and he tells her everything and I always feel like he puts her first and it seems like he'd rather be friends with her over me and then we have this other friend who I know he kinda likes cuz he told me he sort of likes her . but yet he flirts with me(and I flirt with him) like
Complimenting me
Hugging me
Playing with my hair
Always putting his habd on my lap
And just all these flirty things that always made me think he liked me but yet he treats other girls like that too and I just feel so stupid for actually thinking he liked me I just don't know what to do I'm just crying my eyes out I'm so confused did he ever even like me at all!!! I just don't know what to do and I just sound crazy for even asking this question...