Adventure Time = Best cartoon ever?

What do you guys think?

After I started doing acid, I just started appreciating everything in it. Amazing back story, animations, music, jokes, writing, etc. The characters have so much personality, all of them hilarious. Not to mention all the references to pop culture. Also, they aren't afraid to do general TV taboos, such as weird and abrupt endings that don't really conclude the episode, which makes the show all the more hilarious. Seriously, if you don't like Adventure Time, you haven't given it enough of a chance, it is amazing.

P.S. If you have never done so, immediately go find your friendly neighborhood drug dealer, buy some drugs, do the drugs, and watch Adventure Time. Or any non-annoying cartoon for that matter.


Favorite Answer

i like it and regular show.


It kinda got boring after a while. But I guess it's b/c I got over watching cartoons. The only one that I like at this point is Regular Show.



Animainiacs, Batman the Animated Series, X-Men, Loony Toons, and of course MLP FIM.


i can basically think of of 1 that I ever relatively cherished and that replaced into Scooby-doo, who would not love a competent secret :) oh and Underdog :) for the reason that then there the place 2 that I even have enjoyed looking at, ' David the Knome and Little undergo '


i heard it was really good, but i never bothered to watch the show, what channel is it on??

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