Can you clear up this mystery for me?

I was trying to print out a form to do my taxes. The form was on my screen and I pressed print.

Instead of the form that was on the screen, the printer spewed out 4 pages of a Yahoo home page. The amazing thing is that the home page was dated November 2012. (I was doing this on 3/26/13).

My question is how was this home page stored in my computer? Why didn't the form that was on the screen print?

I admit I am not at all tech savvy, but hope that someone on here is, and can clear up this mystery for me. Are there things stored I don't know about?

Your answers would be much appreciated. Thanks for helping "an oldster" understand.


Oh, dear, Yahoo put this in Google, even though I selected Computers and Internet. How can I get my question in C&I. I guess you Copy and Paste, but I don't know how to do that.

Johnny Blaze2013-03-28T09:45:49Z

Favorite Answer

The printers activity is sometimes paused or queued. :)