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Atheists does this clear up the god mystery in your heads?

picture a video game designer just finished his work. he has a virtual world and all his character models set up in the game.

One day the creatures start saying things like "We dont have a creator. It's a myth. There is no proof anyone created us. We came from a big byte bang that created everything and bytes slowly evolved to higher models and higher creatures all by chance. If you believe in a creator you are stupid!" - said the creature in the video game

does this shed any light on you?


Dont ya think that game designer would be pissed for not getting the credit for creating all that, thats some pretty hard work he put in there.

Update 2:

@Ortax - hes outside of the creation itself, outside the game, outside the laws of nature in there. dont ya think things are a little different outside there? maybe time doesnt exit this universe. the creator has always been... just not in this analogy, but still the game designer has been around for a lot longer than the character models :D hah

Update 3:

@Timmy - bud have u not gone to school all ur life... DNA is a code.. lolz

Update 4:

@Wesley - Really man u think that? all that time and effort he put in creating them to just throw it all away from just a couple of insults... maybe he wants to fix it and make things better, maybe he wants to add some more things in there and reward the good ones that think there was a creator.

Update 5:

@Gazoo - he programmed it to have free will and act on its own built in code for thought and interaction in its environment.

Update 6:

@CanadianFundamentalist - As far as i know no1 has ever seen the progressed evolution of a creature. neither to provide any proof/evidence aside the terrible assumptions ppl make with bones dug from the ground.

26 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your analogy fails because your game creator lacks key attributes of God- attributes that God has by definition, and that if He doesn't have, He's not God.

    For one thing, nothing God does is hard work for God. God's capable of doing anything without any effort, regardless of the little bit in Genesis about God resting. By theological definition, there is no such thing as hard work for God.

    For another, God is omniscient. In other words, he KNEW everything that will occur in this world before it was created. Your game creator didn't. It will not do to say the game creator thought he knew, or anything like that, God DOES know, by definition.

    That's just two reasons the analogy fails, and they're certainly enough.

    As far as the game creator, it's laughable to think any game creator would be foolish enough to be angry at characters that he knows are nothing but simulations on a screen. The "characters" in God's creation are not simulations. They're the real deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    The creator would just communicate with his creations or delete the offending code.


    "Really man u think that? all that time and effort he put in creating them to just throw it all away from just a couple of insults"

    Yeah, it's just code. It actually isn't all that complex and doesn't take "all that time and effort." Not for a pro. I was a computer science major and I have several friends in the game industry. You trash or fix faulty and outdated code all the time. So, yeah, if I had a real problem with code behaving like that or felt it would negatively impact the rest of the system, it would be gone. No big deal.

    "maybe he wants to fix it and make things better, maybe he wants to add some more things in there and reward the good ones that think there was a creator."

    Maybe. Maybe not. Who cares? It's code. It's not real. Why "reward" OR "punish" things that aren't real?

    And again, even before deleting code, I'd tell it I was real and provide evidence to that effect. It's not hard. Why would I remain secretive and hidden when I can just send out messages to all the people saying "hey, what's up? I'm real. Let's hang out some time. Anything you want me to program for you?"

  • 1 decade ago

    So, why does the game creator get mad? I don't understand. Can't he rewrite the code to include undeniable proof of his existence in his own made up world. If he can't he seems to be a pretty incompetent video game designer. Honestly, to expect to get credit when you don't actually put anything in the game to signify that you created it is pretty stupid.

    If anything your analogy reflects really badly on god, but not bad at all on atheists. It seems, from the facts of your analogy, to be perfectly reasonable to conclude there was no creator. The creature's conclusion is perfectly legitimate and the video game designer has no one to blame but himself. Now for the really hard question - does this justify the video game designer putting these doubting creatures in a lake of burning fire for all of eternity? I think not.

  • Strega
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are still making the assumption that we were created and then comparing something non biological to biological life. And remember that video game had many creators, from the people who made the computer, the parts, the animation, wrote the code and so on, and then those creators had creators, as in parents and teachers who taught them.

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  • You have issues, you call that analogy?

    I work with the kind of software people make games like that on (I'm more of an object/environment designer though) and if it somehow magically grew intelligence I'd be amazed. Not mad, that would be stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really. I think you miss the point of being an atheist. There was no Creator, at least there is no evidence of one. All of your best explanations have been proven false. I'm really even sure what you hope to accomplish with your analogy here. It's really quite pointless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you ever noticed that religious people like to use analogies for everything since real logic doesn't work out too well for them?

    Does this shed any light on you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The game characters could always look at the source code and see how they were created by a programmer. Similarly, we can look at our DNA and see how we were evolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    of course! How could I have been so blind? I mean I've been playing video games for years! I'd go into more detail but I have to go collect a bunch of coins so I can gain another life and not have to worry about this for awhile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cool story, bro.

    By the way, who created the creator?

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