Can purging our Society of Gun Violence, Murder, or Crime be accomplished by Gun Control Legislation or Laws?

or Gun Laws?...


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Q: "Can purging our Society of Gun Violence, Murder, or Crime be accomplished by Gun Control Legislation or Laws?"
A: No.

History shows that attempts to do so have often resulted in governments committing violence and murder upon the citizenry.

Tacticool .222013-04-08T22:40:07Z

No. To attempt this would require a military/police force confiscating guns door to door. Provided that they did miraculously get all of the civilian and criminal guns, guess what? Only the military/police have guns. We no longer have any way to keep the government in check and as such they run rampant and start killing dissenters. Guess what? We still have violence, murder, and crime.



If they want to get away from murder they should do some control or at least make murder against the law.


Not even the Washington politicians believe that line, they are just using it as a means to control the law abiding citizen and, set up the mechanism for firearms confiscation....


Absolutely not! It has never worked in the past and has actually made matters worse! It removes the " status quo " from the law abiding citizens of our country!

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