Is she flirting with me? She has a boyfriend!?

There's this girl, I like her. She started our conversation by just getting a ruler from the teacher (he passed them out) and like hit me with one in a playful way. Then out of the blue she asks "Am I pretty?" I said yeah. Then she starts talking about random things, and mentions how much classes we have together sometimes.


Let's see, she plays with her phone, she wants attention, like kinda by making weird and funny faces that I laugh to. Let me think of more...

Chris Poller2013-04-09T18:52:20Z

Favorite Answer

That doesn't mean she's flirting with you... She could just being friendly. You need to give us a lil more information.


shes probably an attention whore lol she prob asked that so she can feel better so no shes not flirting shes just a dick


yeah or shes fishing for compliments