best way to clean Ernie Ball 250k pot?

Argh. The pot on my Ernie Ball vol pedal is in bad shape; I've cleaned it a few times in the past with a good cleaner but its so well-sealed that its very difficult to actually get any cleaner into it. I have a gig upcoming and not enough time to buy a replacement. So I'm hoping that someone who has DONE THIS BEFORE can give me PRACTICAL ADVICE for a way to get some good cleaner into the pot. In the past, I've squirted TV tuner cleaner into whatever edges I could find between the shell and the face. It has helped a bit, but I don't hold great hope for that solution another time around. I may try shooting some cleaner down the shaft where it meets the face of the pot, but that's super-hard to reach and I don't have great hopes for it working well.

I've already called a couple stores in the area and nobody keeps it in stock (WTF) so I'll have to order the part online... which is prolly not quite gonna make it here in time.

Any solution requiring disassembly of the pedal is not practical - I plan to do that only ONCE, when the replacement pot arrives. Those of you who have ever wrestled with one of these beasts know why!



Favorite Answer

I usually use one of those cans of compressed air, like you use to spray the crap out of the keys on your keyboard. If the soldering has any corrosion you can either re-solder it, or using an extremely fine grit sandpaper, gently and carefully rub it clean. Be sure not to get any moisture in any gaps in the pot.