How long it takes to overcome anxiety and panic attacks?

How long it takes to over come anxiety and panic attacks? I am b.p and anxiety, panic disorder medication. How long will it take to recover from them? Days or months?


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Hi there,

I used to suffer from these myself A LOT, but they're better now. If you mean the individual attacks, mine used to last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour - it's really just dependent on how quickly you calm down. Not to sound like a baby or anything, but hugs and cuddling my mom always helped me. Calming yourself down if you're alone can be harder, but personally, I've never gone by the whole "deep, slow breaths" thing. All that seemed to do was make me lightheaded and more panicky.

Something my mom always told me when I said, "I can't breathe!" was, "Yes, you can, you're breathing now." It helped me to relax if I thought of things logically. "Yes, I am breathing. My hearts not going to burst out of my chest; I can feel it beating normally. There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm safe. I'm okay." I usually would then go on the computer and browse, play a video game, or read a book - anything to get me away from my own thoughts.

I used to have a lot of separation anxiety, too - I'd constantly fret about being away from my parents/friends/etc. If I was away from them, I worried about them - but mostly I worried about myself, and what would happen to me if I was alone. That was a HUGE struggle, but just like panic attacks, I would reason with myself and say, "If I would be fine if they're here, then I'll be fine if they're gone." That helped, and the whole distracting me from my thoughts by playing a game/reading/etc.

As for the condition of having anxiety/panic attacks, that depends on your medication and willingness to experience MORE of them until you recover. Now, I can only speak from MY experience, but I had to put myself in more uncomfortable positions in order to be able to deal with them. Just know that it DOES get better - trust me, I didn't think it would for a while, but it did!

I don't have any experience with being B.P., so I'm sorry that I can't help you with that. I really hope I helped, and good luck!



It seems like you really want to change your life 4 the better which is a start. Your social life can be improved by slowly going out and enjoying your young age. We all get nervous, I do, when people are looking at me, when I give presentations in front of a large crowd and etc my hands use to get really sweaty and I thought that everyone could literally hear my heart, but I noticed that it is normal and everyone feels that way and that we are all Just PEOPLE, no one is better than anyone. Just try to relax and keep that in the back of your mind when you feel like you are about to have a panic attack. If you want, you can always go to counseling b/c They have have certain techniques that will reduce the amount and severity of your panic attacks and depression. Life brings good and bad days so just take it one day at a time. I would recommend trying to do an activity that you enjoy, for ex, swimming, pool, football, exercise, video games something that you know that you are at ease doing to get those endorphins pumping lol Hope this helps!!!!


You don't even have to take medication, just will remember at some point soon you will be fine, the more panic attacks you have, the less you care about them, and your body learns to cope with them and not let it bother you until they stop. Many people suffer anxiety at some point in their lives.

Susan Yarrawonga2013-04-20T19:56:17Z

It will probably take up to 6 weeks or even a few months but only if the medication works.

Anxiety, stress, worry and depression can cause over 100 symptoms or health problems as in;_ylt=A0oGkmYCx0ZQ5CUA.T4L5gt.?p=%22over+100+anxiety+symptoms%22&fr2=sb-top&fr=ush-ans&type_param=&rd=r1

Prescription medication for anxiety, stress, depression and worry can give you bad side effects so natural remedies are often much better.

Natural remedies for anxiety, stress, worry and depression include Yoga, Melatonin, St John's Wort, 5-HTP, Valerian Root, other herbs, vitamin B complex and other remedies as in

Drizzt D2013-04-20T09:43:17Z

i don't think i understand what you mean by overcome them. you don't you are given medication to help you deal with it there is no overcoming the disorder or even a cure. but if you can deal with them then more power to you.

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