Hit finger, broken bruised what?

I accidentally swung my arm and hit my finger (right index finger knuckle) really hard on a metal stair railing earlier today. It's been almost 12 hrs and really hurts and I can't bed the finger but there is no bruising or swelling. Not sure if I shud go to dr or if its just some stupid lil thing


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If you can't move the finger normally and the pain persists, you should go to the ER and get an X-ray, since it might be a fracture.


Good the indicators of damaged palms are swelling, limited action, bruising etc... So maybe you should go away it for a couple days and if its nonetheless like that go get it checked up.


If it's no swelling nor bruising try to wrap your finger so you won't feel to much pain but if it becomes unbearable definitely go see a doctor