Movies that a lot of people like but you don't?

Is there a movie or movies that either is considered by most people to be classics or great movies but you disagree or you think they are overrated? Name the movies and tell why you don't like them.


Favorite Answer

I'm not a huge fan of The Notebook. All the other girls are all "oh the notebook how I love that movie. Its such an adorable love story" and I'm watching thinking that its boring and not nearly funny enough and actually rather predictable and too long...which is too bad because I like Rachel McAdams and I love Ryan Gosling...but I just couldn't get into the movie. The best part?

Rachel McAdams: "What happens if a car comes?"
Ryan Gosling; "We die."

I'm not really one for sappy romances...I like strong female leads, and humor. My favorite romance movies are dark romantic comedies like the movie TiMER...loved that one...

so that's my long winded explanation of why I've never liked The Notebook (or other movies like it)


The Shining. Chronicle. Pitch Perfect.


Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

I tried to watch both.. fell asleep during both! Waste of precious hours!


Twilight, hunger games, harry potter, paranormal activity.


I hate horror movies cause they freak me out.

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