Two Lumps on my neck, what is the cause?

I have two lumps, a bigger one on my gland on the side of my neck and a slightly smaller one on the bone behind my ear. They both hurt when touched and the bigger one aches constantly and causes my neck to ache. I haven't had a fever, cold or anything so they seemed out of the blue
I went to the doctors and had a blood test (testing for glandular fever especially)
The blood test came back clear so my doctor said to come back in 2 weeks and see what happens
Does this sounds familiar to anyone? Could it be cancerous (if so what type)? What are the other causes that it could be?


Favorite Answer

They are probably just swollen lymph nodes. They get like that because they are part of your immune system, and somewhere you have some kind of infection. Anything from tonsils to teeth could be the source. If your blood test did not show an increase in white blood cells, the infection is hiding somewhere. You might want to see your dentist in the meantime.