And my little finger has more integrity than your messiah, obama.
Funny, you libs were okay about knocking Palin, West and many other conservatives over stupid stuff. This is the military. Quit messing with them.
Favorite Answer
The reason people are questioning it is because it is against the Marine Corp uniform code for a Marine to hold or carry an umbrella while in Dress Uniform. Obama made him and the other Marine holding an umbrella for Erdogan violate that code, they could face non-judicial punishment for it.
I'm sure that they could have found a couple white house interns to hold umbrellas for them.
The Republicans should investigate this to see what the President actually knew, did he give the order or not, did those marines act under his direct instruction or did Hilary have something to with it, we need to really need to get to the bottom of this don't we...........LOL!!!!
I don't know who is Dumber! Republicans or their supporters, judging by this post I would say their supporters definitely have the edge!!!