Funniest thing and most ignorant thing yet....?

CNN is calling Obama transparent because he explained the lipstick on his collar. Honest to God, those people at CNN are getting more senile by the day. Too bad he wouldn't be transparent about Benghazi...Do you really care about his collar.. or his scrawny neck for that matter??

James E Lewis AKA choteau2013-05-29T15:10:29Z

Favorite Answer

It is getting old the way you guys are hating on the President of the United States of America. No wonder the Republican Party is in so much trouble that even Michelle Bachmann is quitting. All you guys have left is your hate!

Urban, D K2013-05-29T21:56:22Z

They are kind of getting old and dinosaur-ish, aren't they?

And, I guess four dead Americans are acceptable casualties when the media have their god, Obama, in office.