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Lv 5
? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 10 years ago

As a veg*n, what are some of the dumbest/ most ignorant things you have had to hear?

Last night I went to this church meeting thing with my friend. I am not at all religious, but I was bored. They started talking about veganism. They told me that a potato has feeling. Even if the potato is picked, it can still feel pain. Than I had to hear about how Jesus ate fish, and how fish don't have feelings.Than before I left one of the people said "Go home and eat a hamburger. You'll feel better."

Even though I feel amazing, and the person who told me this was very overweight.

I would have defended myself, but I don't like debating anything with Christians. You can't win.

20 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Heres some:

    1) God put animals here for us to eat.

    2) We have canine teeth, so it proves we're supposed to eat meat

    3) Where do you get your protein/ there are 'special' proteins found only in meat.

    4) Don't you feel bad for all the animals killed in the fields for your food?

    5) Plants actually feel pain and scream you just can't hear it.

    6) Something stupid that has to do with them eating chicken, turkey,lamb, cow or any other animal. They try to use it as an insult; as if we care what they're shoving into their grubby mouth.

    7) PETA member!

    8) My food craps on your food.

    9) If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

    10) If we don't eat farm animals, they'll take over the planet.

    11) Animals live on happy farms their whole lives/ animals only go to CAFO's the last few days of their life.

    12) You eat too many carbs (This was told to me by a morbidly obese woman I know who is on a new diet every year trying to lose weight. I laughed so hard I was almost red in the face.)

    13) "I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to eat a salad"

    14) Vegetarian is an indian word for Bad hunter (The pea brained hicks around here love to throw that one around)

    15) Mentions Pol Pott and says how evil vegans are, or says Hitler was a vegetarian. (Yet forgets to mention the fact that 99% of child molesters, serial killers and rapists that clog up jails in every country in the world are omnivores)

    16) Says something about how we're similar enough to animals that slaughtering and eating other animals is justified, but we're different enough from animals that we only need to mimic that behaviour and not justify rape, infanticide, incest and all the other nice behaviours from the animal kingdom.

    17) Asks what we expect a lion to eat.

    18) Calls us hypocritical because we drive a car (The irony of these statements is never lost on me)

    19) Says how we've evolved to eat meat over millions of years. Disregards the fact that evolution is an on-going process and did not stop the moment we decided to eat animals and that people still evolve and live healthfully on vegetarian and vegan diets.

    20) Says that dairy is the only source of calcium or that humans NEED MILK!

    21) Vegetarians and vegans are puny and weak (The girl who's arm I broke during a Rugby game would testify otherwise)

    22) If you're a vegetarian you can't perform oral on someone or swallow their semen.

    There are many more, these are just the ones I can think of off of the top of my head.

    Dion J: Funny thing, a few years back we didn't have a hunting season on my island and guess what? Not a single collision between a deer and a car all fall, barely any deer sightings actually. And yet every hunting season the deer flee from the woods and into peoples yards, onto the roads everywhere but the woods. The hunters say it themself," Couldn't get a damn deer today because they're all running into everyones back yards." Hunters who say the rut causes deer to flee are ignorant and ill informed and merely spreading blatant propaganda from the hunting industry. The rut attracts deer because it determines which males are fit to breed; it doesn't send them fleeing into the road out of their natural habitat.

    edit: Not around here they don't, most of them happen in the afternoon and evening, when theres plenty of hunters that have just got off from work or school. Plus, at night the deer are harder to see, which is why most collisions happen then. It doesn't mean there are more deer out at night, simply that people can see them better and avoid them in broad daylight. If the rut is taking place in the forest, why would the deer leave the forest? I would say probably 95% of this island I live on is forest, it doesn't take a genius to realize that deer wouldn't be running all over the roads unless they had something to be running from. The hunters know very well that they are scaring the deer from the woods, and in the city a few hours away from me, deer have migrated into a pretty rich neighbourhood where hunting is forbidden and have completely uprooted from the forest where they normally lived because of all the hunters.

    Source(s): Vegetarian
  • 10 years ago

    I'm an omnivore (I eat a little meat... More of a fan of dairy, though. O.o I know, I'm weird v-v), with a lot of respect for vegans and vegetarians--and I would have to say the protein argument. Tofu and some other beans have more protein than meat! Why else would they make protein shakes with SOY. Heyloooooo...thank you, come again. >.> And another question asked about why vegans could eat plants if they were grown using cow manure/an animal product. I mean...we've got to think Hamlet here. "He is not where he eats, but where he is eaten..." The worm gets eaten by a fish, fish is eaten by a pescatarian or omnivore, and the pescatarian or omnivore is eaten by a worm.

  • .,.
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Why would they say fish has no feeling but potatoes do? I bet they all eat potatoes... some people are so fcking ignorant it's ridiculous.

    Surprisingly I haven't been given too much of a hard time about my diet/lifestyle choice. I've only just started being vegan now, but I was vegetarian for many years beforehand and I remember being at a pub/restaurant and ordering food - the guy came over and told me about a bunch of meat dishes. I was like "I'm vegetarian. Do you have any veg food?" to which he gave me a dirty look and said "We've got cheese dishes"... I don't like cheese, and when I told him that, he said "Do you eat anything then, or is it just salad?" in a very rude tone. What a w@nker.

  • 10 years ago

    Ha my mom tries to tell me that ALL THE TIME. "that plant was alive you know. It had feelings" SHUT UP!! They harass me everyday.

    On the other hand, I have heard this one about three times when I was a vegetarian:

    I would explain to them that I am a vegetarian and I don't eat animals. The first thing they ask me is "do you eat fish?" no, that is an animal. Then they ask me

    "well, do you eat bacon?" seriously, three times people! I just stare at them and ask if they are really serious!!!

    Source(s): Vegan
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Holy S-h-it!!! are you kidding me?? They are giving out the wrong message in the name of God. Fish(and all other animals) have feelings and its even been proved. God will never endorse the mass murder of animals and I'm saying this without even reading the Holy Bible. Seriously,what have those people at the church been smoking? Stop going to that church. I think its a black church.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I've heard just about all of them. The last two were on Thanksgiving. My mom packed a cart full of chairs/stools and supplies bigger than me to bring to my aunt's house and asked me if I could take the cart. When I tried and said the cart is bigger than me and is too heavy, her boyfriend said "Maybe if you ate like a normal person it wouldn't be a problem." At dinner, when my aunt's best friend's boyfriend (who I had JUST met) found out I was vegan, he said "I'm sorry to hear that. Its not healthy, because you need flesh to make flesh." Said the overweight guy who was stuffing his face full of processed red meats and cheese.

    Source(s): vegan :D
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Tbh i'm fairly sick of the lion-zebra comments & plants feel pain, some of my friends in biology who are extremely smart actually said this to me. I won a bet however on that one :P. I had a friend today tell me she supports animal rights & when i asked her why she wears leather/eats meat etc & how to justify it as a pro-animal rights supporter her (long story short) answer was she respects the animal that dies for her & thinks it should be humanely about a complete misunderstanding of animal rights theory & abolition.

    The overall dumbest & most ignorant one i've ever heard is from country folk in my country ireland who say that in fox hunting (illegal here) the fox enjoys the chase by dogs & hunters & doesn't die or get injured.

    Source(s): vegetarian going vegan
  • 10 years ago

    Omg lol don't you just love ignorant, close minded people.

    I'm only a vegetarian but I get lectured about not getting enough protein. I'm constantly told that I'm unhealthy and I will have a protein deficiency, my hair will fall out, I won't be able to have children etc.

    I wish people educated themselves on this subject. It's their health that's taking a blow after all.

    Source(s): 19/female v& egetarian
  • 10 years ago

    People that say plants don't want to be eaten are soooo wrong. Most plants want nothing more than to be eaten by animals. This causes the plants seeds to be scattered, and the plant knows this and does everything to help this along like making its fruits appealing to animals (colorful and tasteful).

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "vegetarianism is a fake American thing n other places they eat meat"

    yeah India isn't 60 percent vegetarian and there are no vegetarians in England or Australia or even Mexico though it's funney because I've talked with them on line

    "vegetarians fill up on carbs and get fat" so I guess that's we're 40% less likly to be obeese

    "dilaras only vegetarian so she has something to say about her self"

    so I guess that's why I know so much about factory farms and animal rights.

    Hope you had a good vegan thanksgiving!

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