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  • Navy blue blazer,white shirt,black pant. Cool?

    Also if you could tell me what colour tie I should wear that would be just great.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Navy blue suit,white shirt,black pant. Cool?

    Its a wedding. Also if you could tell me what color tie I should wear that would be just great.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Call of duty 4 does not work on my PC?

    I have call of duty 4 modern warfare installed on my pc and when I open it,it crashes immediately with the error message"iw3sp.exe has stopped working". I also tried the enable stereo mix fix but it still doesn't work. I also tried reinstalling it but it still doesn't work. Can someone help me out?. Multiplayer also does not work but it doesn't matter.

    5 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • Does fake leather use animal skin too?

    We all know that leather is made from animal skin(mainly cow skin) but is fake leather made from animal skin too?. Also does fake leather use any animal hide in its processing and making?. I've also seen that there are many types of fake leather. The reason I'm asking is because I wanna get rid of all my leather items like belts,wallets,and,shoes and replace them with their non leather versions. Is fake leather vegan? If not,what is the alternative to leather for a vegan?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Why is she talking to me?

    Ok so theres this girl in my class who joined our coll last sem(3rd) and now were in the fourth sem and before it used to be just a hi bye relationship but come 4th sem and she is talking to me like crazy for God knows what reason. Im a really secluded kinda person and an introvert so I got the feeling that shes talking to me to get me talking because on one occassion she told her friend that hes(me) started talking finally so let him talk(wen that friend interrupted me). Now shes become close friends with a girl who I know since 1st sem in our class. I overheard this(new) girl telling this girl who I know from before that she has a bf. He even came to meet her at coll once. Then why is she pursuing me??. I mean she always calls me wherever she goes in coll and expects me to hang out with her in coll(is it because I always walk alone in coll??) . She even tried to take my number but unfortunately that did not happen. She says hi to me everyday and shares her food with me always.we are both 19 if that helps. Im so confused because at one time these two are talkin about her boyfriend and at another time they(the girl who I know since sem 1 and the rest of d group excluding this new girl) tease me with this new girl and start pairing up us both. So is she actually goin out with someone and if she is then why give me a lead??. Secondly why only me ,why not anyone else(there are so many single guys in class).

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do I do in this situation?

    I've got these new friends in this new college I've just joined. These guys have been friends for a long time and they all joined the same college to be together. Somehow I befriended one of them and got into their group. Now they take me to be part of their group. The problem is these guys are big time smokers. Like yeah,I've got a lot of friends in the college,but being in a group is what defines you. Everyone sees me along with these guys, know the rest. So I don't smoke and every time I hang out with them,I'm forced to passive smoke. I can't even move away from them because I would be missing the gossip and the whole point of being with them will be lost. As far as we are in college(where smoking is banned) its all cool,we eat lunch together,hang out together during the breaks and stuff but once we're out they go to their joint and I also have to sit with them there as its a nice way to chill out after/before college and I'm forced to inhale the smoke. What do I do now?. We even stay in the same area ,we go to college together in our respective vehicles,we bunk classes together. Someone please help.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why do bats keep touching the surface of the water in my swimming pool?

    Now there's my swimming pool and the place where I stay has a hell lot of fruit eating bats. Now the question is as and when it turns dark,when I'm swimming(or not) I see these bats fly in so low they touch the water and then take off again. I really didn't mind swimming but what if one bumped into me by mistake or something you know. They come so low as if they are going to you know like those birds they scoop the fish outta the water and then take off again. Something like that.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Girls please answer what will she think of me now?

    Since this;_ylt=Ak... happened if she sees me in the gym again what will she think of me?. Basically what did she think of me that day?.Please tell me what would you think if it was you in her place. PLEASE PUT YOURSELF IN HER PLACE AND TELL ME. Thanks!.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Did she want to start a conversation?

    Ok so I went to the gym as usual today and my house is an apartment which is one of the apartments in two blocks of apartments. so I thought as usual the gym would be empty as it is everyday but today there was this girl. I just can't figure out her age,must be around 19-22. I don't even think that's right,I'm so bad with guessing ages. So she's doing her warm-up and stretches, and I just go and start my workout. Through out the whole of my workout time not a word from both of us. But suddenly when it was time for her to leave she says excuse me. But I was on my exercise so I couldn't reply so she waits for a few seconds and then leaves. I had just 2 more reps so I did them and got out the door just to ask her what. She says "do you mind if i kept those lights on or should i have turned them off because i see you still working out". I just say"Its ok" and I return back to my workout. Now I feel so stupid not talking because when I thought of it later,the only reason I could think of why she asked this is because she wanted to start a conversation. Because It really didn't matter whether the lights on the other side were on or off because I had finished my set and then spoken to her.BTW I'm 19. So you guys think I should have said something like"it really doesn't matter now because I just finished my set so on ".

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can I drink an energy drink(like red bull) while on antibiotics?

    Im on antibiotics because of pain in my tooth and tooth decay and I really need to have red bull to stay awake in class otherwise i end up sleeping in class or bunking the lecture. I need to take 2 of these medicines 3 times a day. And its not always that i take red bull, its only once in a while(may be once a month), usually its a lot of tea to keep me awake. I'm a teenager by the way.

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • How to transfer video files of a Sony handy cam onto my PC individually?

    I have a Sony handy cam DCR-DVD705. To view the videos i record, i can either play the DVD on my computer or play it on TV via cable(provided with the handy cam). Of late I have started making videos and I would like to just take those videos from the DVD and copy it onto my computer. But its totally disgusting because everytime i make a new video i have to download the whole file onto my computer because how many ever videos you take , it is stored as one video file(i know its stupid). So is there any way i can get files individually or should i download the whole video just for the end part of it which was my last video taken.

    P.S - I also tried finalizing the DVD but that didn't work. It just made a menu which makes it easy to watch which ever clip you want.

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Why isnt my counter strike working?

    i play counter strike 1.6 non steam and recently i formatted my pc from xp sp1 to xp sp3 and i reinstalled all the necessary drivers. so i start up my game and it works fine for sometime, then later in the evening when i try to open it, it says the specified video mode is not supported , the game will now run in software mode, i keep trying to change it to open GL mode but the same thing keeps happening. i even reinstalled the game but still the same thing happens. im sure i installed the graphics driver and all. please help!

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why am i not able to share my printer?

    Ok so we have 2 laptops at home and one is connected to the internet through a DSL modem and it shares the net thru wireless so that the other laptop can access the net. so this means printer sharing is possible right?. ok so i go to my printer and check the box which says share this printer. now i go to the other computer and add the printer there by searching for it in the network. but when i wanna print it the service crashes and i get a message saying "Spooler SubSystem App has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." so i type printer spooler on google and theres a link to microsoft and on that page they even have an application to fix it. i download that and fix it(but this only fixes it so that i can print from the host pc) but still when i try to print from the other laptop i get the same message. iam only able to print from the host laptop.the host laptop runs windows xp service pack 2 and the other laptop runs windows 7 home premium.

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • what happens if i dont activate windows?

    ok so now it says 9 days left for activation and it gives me options like call n get a license key or download one but i keep clicking later . so what happens when this period is over, does windows stop working?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Toshiba power saver help?

    Ok so I formatted my pc(lappy) the other day and reinstalled everything including toshiba power saver but when i open it , it says "CANNOT open because you do not have access rights to use "TOSHIBA power saver". Now i definitely don't know what this means. At first i thought it was about the admin thing but then I am the administrator of this computer as well so why isn't it working. Need your help. The screen is too bright and its very difficult to use it without lowering the screen light.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What does someone mean when they say "You look like you need a hug"?

    I was a volunteer at this event and the head of my group(way older than me, I'm a teen) one day after a photo session comes towards me and says you look like you need a hug and he hugs me too. What does this mean?. Does it mean he's pitying me, does it mean I look like someone to be pitied upon(like forever) or did I give that kind of facial expression only for that moment. Or does it mean I need some help.

    14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Don't you think India is lagging behind because it takes too many holidays for useless hindu festivals ?

    Now what I mean by lagging behind is in civic amenities, poverty etc,not India's status as a country. I know we have invented many things, achieved great stuff etc. But here I mean, the condition of the roads, frequent power cuts,unfinished road work, unfinished municipality work, lazy officers crying for bribes, and finally people who take leave in the name of some festival or the other. I have also mentioned that not all festivals are useless, some of them carry some importance, but a majority of them are just reasons for holidays and useless.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Workout after swimming or swimming after workout?

    and yeah wat about the shower after swimming coz thats, cold , or warm?. and both(pool & gym) are at my home. also mention about food.

    9 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I continue using face wash even though my pimples have gone?

    considering the fact that I have oily skin, should i continue because i feel amazing when it removes all that oil on my face.

    18 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How to solve external hard disk malfunction?

    Yeah so I recently(roughly 6 months back) bought a 300gb external hard disk and yeah so long so good except for some days back it started giving me problems. and in the middle a virus had also sneaked in. Although got it cleaned in the pc it still existed in the external and so external was not connection to pc properly but somehow got it connected and also cleaned external but still external malfunctions even though there's no virus. By malfunction I mean when it connects it does so and goes off within a time span of 5-20 minutes and sometimes it doesn't even connect....please help. I stay in Qatar and no one is ready to repair it saying they are not authorized to repair it and I should take it to the place where i bought it from(India). Since i can't go to India now please suggest a solution.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago