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  • Can I make a vegan vegetable soup with these ingredients?

    I have:

    7 plum tomatoes

    2 bags of organic carrots

    some zuchinni

    some celery

    some spinach

    some kale

    some parsley

    3 cans of vegetable broth

    1 packet of tofu

    1 vitamix

    Can I make a soup with these ingredients? Anyone have any recipes?

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Why do some people say that since we evolved to use weapons to kill animals, we are natural meat eaters?

    Now I am not trying to start a huge argument/debate over weather humans are or are not meant to eat meat. There are legit arguments on both sides of the spectrum. However I have heard people say "we evolved to use tools and weapons to catch and kill animals, therefor we are natural meat eaters."

    My problem with this theory is that they are saying we are meant to do something, because we evolved using tools to do that something. Isn't that also like saying, "humans evolved using goggles, scooba tasks, and submarines, therefor we are natural amphibians."

    Of course we are not natural amphibians, but I'm using that as an example to show how ridiculous the weapons argument is. So what do you think? Tell me your opinion. Please no negative or insulting answers. Just honest opinions.

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • If you are a vegan, does that mean you are only doing it for animal welfare?

    When I first became vegan I did it for ethical reasons. But after being veg for over a year, I am now more focused on the health side rather than the ethical side to it. I feel much better physically, and spiritually.

    I still eat only plant based foods, and no animal by products. I don't wear animal products because the thought of wearing a dead animal sickens me.

    So I still follow the vegan diet and clothing part of it. But I'm now doing it for me, and not as much for the animals. So would I still be considered a vegan? Or a strict vegetarian? Or a dietary vegan? Or just someone who follows a plant based diet?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Fellow veg*n's, what did you have for dinner today?

    Tonight for dinner I made one of my personal favorite dishes.

    Portabella mushrooms, red peppers, green peppers, and spinach all sauteed in a creamy mushroom sauce. Along with a side of organic salad with spinach, kale, red cabbage, carrots, avacado, and lime juice as dressing.

    What was your dinner tonight?

    14 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Fellow veg*ns, how does this meal sound?

    I know what I want to make for dinner tomorrow.

    White rice with mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and seitan covered in mushroom gravy. The thought of that makes my mouth water. Does that sound amazing to you too? Should I add anything?

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Do you think the Vitamix is worth the money?

    I have had decent blenders in the past, but they never fail to stop working after using them for a couple of months.

    I was debating on weather or not to purchase the Vitamix.

    The Vitamix is a 500$ blender. It is the same blender they use at Starbucks, and many other commercial restaurants family owned places.

    It comes with a 5 year warranty. If it breaks, they will send you a new one for free.

    This is something I would use literally every single day.

    I would use it for salsa, guacamole, peanut butter, hummus, and especially green smoothies.

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Veg*ns, what do you think about Lierre Keith?

    Lierre Keith is the author of a book Called "The vegetarian myth."

    In her book and some of her interviews these are some arguments she always brings up:

    She claims only meat is a complete protein.

    She claims meat eaters have no chance of getting cancer, heart disease, etc.

    She claims vitamin A is only in animal foods.

    She claims vitamin D is only in animal foods like milk. Even though cows milk is fortified with vitamin D.

    She claims meat eaters have much better teeth than veg*ns.

    She claims meat eaters have bigger brains.

    She claims that fruits has way to much sugar and we are not supposed to eat a lot of it.

    She claims vegetarianism is destroying the environment.

    She claims she was vegan for 20 years, and always craved eggs. She says this is proof that the vegan diet is not healthy. Even though I'm pretty sure meat eaters crave big macs, that doesn't mean they're body wants protein.

    I could go on. It just makes me sad that so many people believe everything she says. She even admits that she gets a lot of her information from Wikipedia, which is not a reliable source.

    She just seems to have a general hate for veg*ns, and seems very misinformed.

    Here is an interview with her if you would like to watch.

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Are you amused over how many accounts Polly has?

    We all know the troll Polly. I think it is very amusing to see how many accounts he has on here.

    "Veganhater", "Stopriotingvegans", "Pollynazi", Emperorpolly", "Random", "Kingpolly", and probably many more.

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Do people seriously consider pizza a vegetable now?

    I've heard that in America pizza is now considered a vegetable. Personally, I think that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Here are my reasons:

    1. Just because something has a vegetable on it, that does not make it a vegetable. That is like saying wine is a fruit because it is made from grapes.

    2. Fruits and vegetables do not have any cholesterol. Pizza has cheese, and often pepperoni as a topping (only animal products contain cholesterol). Pizza has cholesterol and therefor cannot be a vegetable.

    3. A tomato is scientifically classified as a fruit, because of the seeds.

    What do you think about the topic? I personally think it is just a way for unhealthy people to continue eating unhealthy, and count it as a vegetable.

    It is also a way or the schools to keep selling crappy food, and advertise it as healthy.


    BTW I'm also asking this in the food section.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Do people seriously consider pizza a vegetable now?

    I've heard that in America pizza is now considered a vegetable. Personally, I think that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Here are my reasons:

    1. Just because something has a vegetable on it, that does not make it a vegetable. That is like saying wine is a fruit because it is made from grapes.

    2. Fruits and vegetables do not have any cholesterol. Pizza has cheese, and often pepperoni as a topping (only animal products contain cholesterol). Pizza has cholesterol and therefor cannot be a vegetable.

    3. A tomato is scientifically classified as a fruit, because of the seeds.

    What do you think about the topic? I personally think it is just a way for unhealthy people to continue eating unhealthy, and count it as a vegetable.

    It is also a way or the schools to keep selling crappy food, and advertise it as healthy.


    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • So what is your opinion on soy? Is it good or bad?

    There is a lot of controversy about soy. Some people say it's healthy, and other people say it's hazardous.

    I have found sources that say soy can reduce the chance of getting breat cancer, and prostate cancer.

    On the contrary, other sources say that it can increase chances of getting cancers, and thyroid disease. I've also heard claims saying it will give you man boobs, make you emotional, even make men's penises smaller

    So what is your take on it? Personally, I believe everything should be eaten in moderation (except for kale. You can never have too much kale).

    However, in Hong Kong soy milk is as popular as Coca Cola is in the US.


    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Anyone have a good recipe using quinoa?

    I have a bag of quinoa lying around. I know how to make it, but I'm not sure how to "spice it up." Anyone have any recipes?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • My gay friend just committed suicide?

    One of my friends just committed suicide. He did it because he was gay, and his parents were ashamed of him for being gay. His parents were strict Christians, and he was not. At one point they even made him go to straight camp. That must have made him feel so bad about himself. Why are people so judgmental and bully gay people?

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • My mom is B12 deficient, but she eats meat?

    My mom got a blood test, and found out that she is B12 deficient, even though she eats meat. The doctor says it is because she drinks so much coffee. The doctor says she is so low is B12 that her red blood cells are starting to become enlarged. The doctor recommended 1,000 mcg a day. What are the best B12 vitamins out there? Should she take just B12 or a B complex. What are some foods fortified with B12?

    Thanks :)

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What is your favorite non dairy milk?

    I recently tried hemp milk, and it is the best thing I have ever had. Much better than almond, oat, rice, hazelnut, and soy milk. Which is your favorite?

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What are your views on hunting?

    Just out of curiosity.

    This question is directed towards veg*n's.

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Can the human body change ALA into EPA and DHA?

    It was to my understanding that the human body could not, which is why flax seeds are not a source of DHA. However the other day someone challenged me on this. He said the body can change ALA into DHA and said it was proven by a guy from Harvard. What do you think? Sources?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Question specifically for raw vegans?

    At what temperature is it that the enzymes start to die in food? And what temperature do dehydrators heat at?

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • So.....what do YOU want for Christmas?

    Of course if you celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa you can answer this as well -_____-

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • As a veg*n, what are some of the dumbest/ most ignorant things you have had to hear?

    Last night I went to this church meeting thing with my friend. I am not at all religious, but I was bored. They started talking about veganism. They told me that a potato has feeling. Even if the potato is picked, it can still feel pain. Than I had to hear about how Jesus ate fish, and how fish don't have feelings.Than before I left one of the people said "Go home and eat a hamburger. You'll feel better."

    Even though I feel amazing, and the person who told me this was very overweight.

    I would have defended myself, but I don't like debating anything with Christians. You can't win.

    20 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago