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Lv 5
? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 9 years ago

If you are a vegan, does that mean you are only doing it for animal welfare?

When I first became vegan I did it for ethical reasons. But after being veg for over a year, I am now more focused on the health side rather than the ethical side to it. I feel much better physically, and spiritually.

I still eat only plant based foods, and no animal by products. I don't wear animal products because the thought of wearing a dead animal sickens me.

So I still follow the vegan diet and clothing part of it. But I'm now doing it for me, and not as much for the animals. So would I still be considered a vegan? Or a strict vegetarian? Or a dietary vegan? Or just someone who follows a plant based diet?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you say you're now doing it for you, it sort of puts you more within the definition of strict vegetarian. But I'm sure you still feel the same way about animals and ethics, it's just that the personal benefits have now gained more importance than they once had. I think it's a natural progression. Whilst the definition of 'vegan' is pretty straightforward, the line is blurred; the health and environmental impacts become more obvious the longer you stay vegan. If it worries you that you feel you've lost your original motivation, and you want to re-focus on that, just tell yourself that the health benefits are bedded in now and you can swing back to the ethical without losing the health.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Veganism by DEFINITION is an animal rights philosophy.

    It's not an "animal welfare" movement, nor is it only concerned with dietary and clothing choices.

    Veganism involves not purchasing or using consumer products which include animal byproducts or from companies which conduct animal toxicity tests, not buying animals to be used as "pets" from breeders/pet stores, and not frequenting zoos, circuses, rodeos, aquariums, or other venues where animals are held in captivity or forced to perform for human entertainment/profit.

    You're considered a "strict vegetarian".

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Without being pedantic over the titles technically you are a strict vegetarian (ie as you state you follow a plant based diet).

    Veganism is the practical application of animal rights philosophy, ie you consider animals to have limited rights (namely the one not to be used for humans purpose, ie to be treated as a thing).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You're a vegan.

    Meat eaters don't only eat meat because they hate animals, they do it because they think it's healthier also.

    I personally went vegan for the animals and for other ethical reasons however I'd never go back not just because of this but because I'm healthier than ever.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    in the beginning, even regardless of the undeniable fact that we are an animal, not all animals consume meat. And merely via fact we've dogs tooth does not mean we could desire to continually consume meat. the two Gorillas and Hippos have great tooth, yet they're vegetarians. So this variety of tooth you have fairly has not something to do with this variety of ingredients you may desire to be eating. additionally, Lions and Sharks are carnivorous and consequently could desire to consume meat in any different case they're going to die. For people, meat is thoroughly pointless. we don't even could desire to consume meat to be healthful, not to show stay to tell the tale. yet another situation to function is that we cope with the animals we consume like products of ****. Lions and Sharks do not production facility farm, and don't reason injury to the area while they kill and consume their prey. i can not say if that's 'everyday' to consume meat or not, that's a controversy of opinion, however the way we cope with animals raised for nutrients is by using no potential everyday. wish I helped and robust success looking an answer which you detect perfect. -Mutt.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You may categorize yourself in whatever you want, it is just a label. The important thing is you know where you stand. But for me you may be labeled as a vegan.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No matter what your consider of doing, as long as you are vegan it mean you are doing for animals too and also the enviroment.

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