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So what is your opinion on soy? Is it good or bad?

There is a lot of controversy about soy. Some people say it's healthy, and other people say it's hazardous.

I have found sources that say soy can reduce the chance of getting breat cancer, and prostate cancer.

On the contrary, other sources say that it can increase chances of getting cancers, and thyroid disease. I've also heard claims saying it will give you man boobs, make you emotional, even make men's penises smaller

So what is your take on it? Personally, I believe everything should be eaten in moderation (except for kale. You can never have too much kale).

However, in Hong Kong soy milk is as popular as Coca Cola is in the US.


5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    On the whole, it's ok. But do your best to avoid the GMO soy products. And choose organic, if it's available. Also, fermented soy products (tempeh, for instance) don't have the (real or imaginary - you decide) negative effects that non-fermented soy products (tofu, for instance) are supposed to have. And as with all things, moderation.

    I've seem similar sources. The ones saying that it can reduce the risk of certain cancers are coming from bona fide scientists and doctors. The sites which advocate a total eradication of soy products from the diet seem to come from non-scientific, vested-interest sources. The latter sites employ Daisy-like scare tactics to warn people off soy products. Moobs, my ar$e! and there's definitely no shrinkage in the crown jewels.

  • 9 years ago

    Tofu, miso, milk, edamame, tempeh (or is it seitan? I get the two mixed up) OK

    Soy protein isolate, texteried soy protein, soy protein powder not OK

    Don't eat soy in a form that you can't make at home, and don't over do it (even Kale, try another leafy green once in a while), and don't worry about it. China has over a billion people, I doubt that eating soy is hampering sperm motility, so I don't get why people in the West make a big deal out of it.

    I eat tofu about once or twice a month. I eat other beans for the rest of the time. There's so much variety, I don't get why people make such a big deal over this one bean.

    Source(s): I guess I should support soy more often, I did attend a school named after GW Carver.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    it's not just my opinion that soy is unhealthy. Health agencies in France, Germany, Israel, New Zealand (to name a few) have recommended children not be given soy. The American Academy of Pediatrics here in the US has recommended cow's milk over soy formula for babies.

    Soy contains estrogen like chemicals that have been shown to affect a woman's menstrual cycle and cause low sperm count in men.

    Soy also contains glucosinolates which can affect your thyroid....especially if you're one of millions who are iodine deficient.

    Most asian cultures have been eating soy for years with no problems. BUT they were eating fermented soy and it wasn't Genetically Modified. Today most of the soy products on the shelves at your local supermarket ARE GM and unfermented.

    This guy may be an extreme case, but he actually grew man boobs and developed serious emotional/sexual problems when he drank a lot of soy milk.

    Please note this is not a rumor or myth. His case was documented by his medical doctors and published in a medical journal. Why take a chance by eating that stuff?

  • 9 years ago

    Depending upon what and where you read about anything - all food is bad for you.

    @They have far fewer dairy cattle in China. And lots more soy beans.

  • 9 years ago

    I just do not like the taste

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