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Lv 5
? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 9 years ago

Are you amused over how many accounts Polly has?

We all know the troll Polly. I think it is very amusing to see how many accounts he has on here.

"Veganhater", "Stopriotingvegans", "Pollynazi", Emperorpolly", "Random", "Kingpolly", and probably many more.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I genuinely feel bad for him. I feel like he just needs attention and that trolling continually is the only proven way he has found to get that attention. But I also feel like the more time he spends here, the more he's actually starting to be less trollish as he gets to know everyone.

    Source(s): Vegetarian
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Back when Polly first arrived, as "Sonic", "Veal Meat" etc, I regularly reported posts and reported abuse on her Pulse page too, as I'm sure others did, as her posts where pretty gross. (I say "her" here because those original accounts appeared to be a twenty-something female - if I'm wrong here it doesn't matter as Polly is immune to abuse and name-calling.) Nothing has happened. New accounts are opened on an almost daily basis, old accounts are used after a bit of a rest, Yahoo hasn't taken ANY steps to block the IP address. Yahoo knows who she is and wants her to keep posting - is it a conspiracy to encourage more "hits" on the site? I am sure there are Yahoo plants here in every category. Reporting them does NOTHING. The ideal way to get rid of her is just to ignore and report every question, but while we can sort of do that amongst the regulars in this veg section, we'll never be able to get everyone to agree to that, there are too many casual users who see the questions pop up on the home page and they'll give an answer regardless. But it got to the point where all I was doing was reporting her posts - that's not what I come here to do. I'm here for information exchange. Now I'm guilty of answering some of them, I take out my frustrations on her instead of on my kids!

  • 9 years ago

    The real amusing thing is that people here are dumb enough to continue feeding him and answering his questions and not just reporting them and reporting his account. They think it is so cute to post some stupid little answer and not realizing they aren't much better than Polly. The best course of action when dealing with any trolls is to simply just report them and be done with it. Stop answering any of their questions just continue reporting them and ignore them after that.

    If you feed Polly, Polly will keep coming back if Polly gets no response and just deleted questions and accounts they will eventually leave or be forced off.

    Source(s): Vegan because animals are not property and troll buster
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He''s just sad and stupid.

    I notice everyone reposnds, and royS said a few times, if you report his account page ( click veiw lusle then click report abuse) and everyone does it, then his IP address can be banned.

    Dont feed the troll, I ingore all his posts because every answer he gets make him more enabled.

    Don't go it guys, please just literally ingore him.

    Cos a lot of times people just reply to his stupid posts which arent even funny. If nobody did that, and just reported him it would be better. if everybody satrts respoding to his dumbass posts hes going to be encoursaged to do it, i wanna ask everyone readin g this to NOT REPLY to his posts just report each one without any answers I swaer that's gonna be the way he gets bored, and by everbody reporting him at him account page - roy S said reasons arel repeated trolling and spamming, making multipleaccounts and usernames then he'll get his local ip adresss banned. thansk ps sorry my typos are bad

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  • RoyS
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I actually feel sorry for him. Anyone who needs attention so desperately must lead a sad and lonely life.

    ON EDIT: @ MartyL: Only report posts which actually violate the Y!A Guidelines ( If you report inaccurately, your reports won't be given the same credence as those of 'trusted reporters'. Some of Pollytroll's questions are not violations; perhaps, as Colleen said, he's trying to fit in a bit more, rather than getting attention by constantly trolling.

    Most of the time, I also adhere to the 'Please don't feed the trolls' rule, but, sometimes, they just leave themselves so wide open, I just can't resist. ;-)

  • 9 years ago

    He probably never got the love from his parents and never the acceptance of his peers growing up. Feel bad for him. He must've lived a sad, lonely life, and he'll probably live out the rest of his life that way.

    We are his only friends.

  • 9 years ago

    I guess poor little friendless 'Polly' has to fill up those long and lonely hours somehow

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Don't worry. I know where he lives. I can stop him! JK. Anyways, just ignore that idiot if he keeps on trolling.

  • 9 years ago

    I think he/she has Obsessive compulsive disorder!

  • Dion J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, I do not find it amusing. His/her posts are nowhere near as entertaining as those provided by some of the regular veg*n posters, so I pay little attention to Polly et al.

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