Is it true we can send robots to Mars but cant feed all the people in the world?


Favorite Answer

Definitely a lesson.


You cant end world hungry by just throwing money at the problem. The only way any group of people around the world have solved their food problem has been to find a way to feed themselves. Famine ended in Europe with the introduction of the free market. Free trade, low taxes, and no regulation. These are the things that are the Wealth of Nations.


the international ought to have the potential to feed itself. in case you think approximately a number of the very poorest international locations in Africa, (Mocambique for occasion) you will discover that it has an magnificent climate, staggering topsoil and the flexibility to be the breadbasket of Africa. somewhat it became rated (some years in the past) via fact the poorest united states of america in the international. perchance each physique of those sensible people who blame on the prosperous and the republicans can clarify that. Zimbabwe (became Southern Rhodesia) is yet another occasion. Inflation at 1600% - definite 1600% and individuals ravenous. Compliments of Robert Mugabe and his ZANU social gathering. Black Africans call it Uhuru. which potential 'freedom' What it relatively potential is corrupt dictatorships and black racism. of direction that theory isn't ordinary or delicate or politically mind-blowing. It only occurs to be the reality. My advice to you is to end annoying approximately it. in case you % to do something sturdy for the poor, start up at abode.


who is "we?"
the world grows enough food
the problem is not agriculture
it's distribution
food goes to supermarket shelves and restaurants and is sold or rots and is thrown out
because the capitalist class buys it
the poor cannot afford it, so they go hungry
people who have left marginal lands, gone to the cities for work, or who were pushed off their ancestral land, no longer grow food, so must buy. if they have not much cash, they go hungry.

Mars has nothing to do with that.


Starving people are worthless, what would saving their pitiful lives accomplish? The pursuit of knowledge is more important.

Anyway send all the food you want, it will never reach the people who need it, it will be confiscated by war lords.

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