Why do some people think Conservatives are class warriors for the elite?

I personally have never heard a conservative argue in favor of any elite group over any other group. So I don't know where this idea comes from. Is it because they argue in favor of fair and equitable taxation and not fall for that class warfare of taxing the rich?

Aegis of Freedom2013-06-04T13:24:49Z

Favorite Answer

That's what the media tell them to think.

I pay $5 for a hamburger and a rich person pays $5 for a hamburger, that is fair. Yes, it impacts me more because I have less total money, but that is irrelevant. We are both getting the exact same thing so we both pay the exact same price. But when I say I should pay 10% taxes and a rich man should pay 10% taxes, again being perfectly fair, then the sheep have been trained by the media to froth at the mouth and speak in tongues. It's a religion, there is no thought involved, only blind faith and repetition of dogma.


Im a conservative and in no ay "elite" I have to bust my butt for my income. I have traditional values however, and believe a hard days labor earns a days pay. I don't believe in handouts, and I think that struggle is the path to enlightenment. You cannot lift people up when they don't realize they are down.

I VOTE2013-06-04T20:20:31Z

They didn't want to raise the taxes on the top 1% then weeks later fought to raise the payroll taxes for the middle class....

the night of the zombie g2013-06-04T20:22:07Z

so.. you don't get out much?

Mitt just talked about lowering taxes on the rich AGAIN... after he said he only paid 14 percent...