Is Monday internet day in India?
I noticed Monday morning that all of the strange Kundali, genotype, arranged marriage, etc.. wedding questions show up on here. They show up all week, but Monday morning (North America) there seems to be a much higher percentage of them.
So my question is, does the internet in India get turned on Monday morning so everyone asks these questions at the same time?
Oh, and to answer all the questions in one go:
Kundalis like all horoscopes are meaningless.
It does not matter what genotype you are for marriage. If you plan on having children, you can seek genetic counseling if you are worried. Blood tests for marriage are no longer done in most developed countries.
If you want to know if arranged marriages have a lower rate of divorce than love marriages, then the answer is yes. This is mostly due to the fact that arranged marriages are only prominent in countries in which women have very little access to wealth, education, and independence, and it has nothing to do with what type of marriage is actually better.