I'm scared! Please answer :(?

I was commenting on a Facebook post, my friends Facebook post. Out of no where, someone replied to me saying "STFU" and then later threatened me saying he'll beat me up! I'm not coming to school tommorow, a doctors appointment is coming up. But I am terribly scared that the guy is going to wait for me on Thursday! He got expelled, for fighting. I don't know what to do, I'm terribly scared. Please help me! :(


Favorite Answer

If you scared just let your principles know that way they'll keep an eye in you


If he wants to beat you up. Kick his ***, if you don't think you can bring him bring a knife or something and when he comes pull it out and tell him to **** off


if youre a man, im sure you can handle it. if he confronts you, dont be afraid of him, just say look man, i dont want get in trouble, and i dont want you to get in trouble. hes probably just all talk though. bring something to defend yourself with, but not a gun. a pocketknife or something. but dont take it out until he threatens you.