Ladies, what's your type of man?

Personality Wise, Look wise, everything pretty much


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Everyone has their own opinion. It depends on the woman.

I don't like arrogant guys or super skinny guys. I like guys who relate to others on a deeper level, but also can make people laugh. In other words, I like it when they can be serious and deep, but also fun and goofy. I don't care what they look like, as long as they have at least one superficial feature I find attractive (i.e. eyes, clothing style, etc). I like guys who are real and be themselves, and don't put on a front to women. I like guys who don't try to win you over. I like guys who aren't trying to search for a woman.


Well back in the day, I had all the ladies chasing me. They all loved my horny attitude and muscular thighs. I was great at hip thrusting, it made all the ladies drool. Eventually as I matured my penis was the biggest in the state. Therefore all the ladies came far and wide to make me ***. I was the biggest hit. Just be honest and horny when you want sex. Put your dick first. You can't go wrong when you think with "that head." If you don't believe me you should check out this great website where I got started off. This could save your life and get you the best and thickest man you could ever possibly dream of. Just imagine the sex.

-Dr. Finaflas


Gentleman, Independent, Mature, Responsible, Ethical, Loving, Caring, and Understanding.


I like them tall, you know like 6'3 or more, he should be nice and honest. Simple, outdoorsy, athletic, healthy, and good to me and to everyone else, and i like a family man. Most of all, I should be in love with him.


-taller then me
-be able to pick me up, without breaking his back (basically not stick skinny)
-not clean shaven or a little scruffy (doesn't have to be, but it is a plus) (:
-smell nice
-easy going

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