Zimmerman Trial: Zimmerman had martial arts knowledge but still used a gun.?

It is said at the trial and in the media that George Zimmerman had martial arts knowledge and other training to keep him is physical shape. If so, I don't think he had a reason to kill Trayvon Martin.

All of that background training and a gun had to be used...

What is your opinion on that



Joe---I'm not hating on Zimmerman at all...This whole event could have went several different ways. I don't know and no one who wasn't there will NOT EVER know the truth. I'm hoping that if Zimmerman isn't guilty that they don't send an innocent man to jail but if he indeed is proven to have murdered Trayvon then I hope that they see to it that he gets the proper charges. All I'm doing here is pointing some things out...That's all..You can agree or disagree but I'm no hater


SumDude-- He followed Trayvon so he should have been ready for whatever..but I see he was ready with dat pistol....


Hephzibah- Great pointer..I totally agree :)


SumDude- I am a female, I have taken Tae Kwon Do and you are show how to get out of certain situations...I'm sure in Martial Arts which is more advanced...you learn more....


Favorite Answer

he may have murder and killing in his heart.
\none of the things he did was his job , that he was hired or appointed to do.
he did not follow the 911 operator.
he was harassing the other man, even though he was not doing anything.


Zimmerman obviously had planned to kill a black man all along. If Martin who had no gun, was to beat him, then Zimmerman could have easily defended himself and subdued Martin, yet he chose a gun because it is deadly and he was out for blood.


That's a good question. When Martin asked (according to Zimmerman) "you got a problem", Zimmerman said, "no, I don't have a problem" and then started to walk back to his car to get the cell phone. Why would he leave his cell phone, that the police were suppose to be calling him on to meet him by the mailboxes, in the car, but not his gun?


If you were having your head slammed into the concrete and feared death plus had a gun, would you make silly noises and twist your fingers around or use the gun?


You wait until you are attacked, and then tell us how much time and space you had to swing your arms and do leg kicks to ward off the attacker; especially when you are on the ground, and the attacker is on top.

That is why many women pack guns, to neutralize rapists.