Is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved?


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It's better to have loved and lost because you would know how great it is to be in love. It's true that the losing part would hurt but you wouldn't be able to forget the feeling. But, if you never loved, you'd never know at all...


It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all because you did get to experience loving someone. That's just my opinion.


I think it's better to have loved and lost because you would learn how good love can be, and also gain experience from the bad.


That's a really hard question. I'd rather have not loved, than have to have lost and experienced everything I have.


Sometimes I think it's better to love, sometimes I just hate people! I'm not sure...probably to love strongly enough, but without sacrificing yourself in any way. If this is possible though...

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