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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Is it better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all?

I don't really know, having never been in love, but what do you think?

There are 2 arguements,

Better to have loved and lost:

You have those memories, or something like that

Better to have never loved at all:

You wouldn't be hurt. But you would never have felt great enough to BE hurt.


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is definitely much better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. It is similar to the more general "It is better to have tried and failed, than to never have tried at all."

    To never try at all simply means you have already lost and forfeited any chance of winning. Sure you are shielded from failure, but there is absolutely no chance of success. On the other hand, trying gives you the chance at winning. You may lose, but the experience gained by trying makes one wiser, stronger, and more ready to try again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it all depends on how strong the love was and how painful was the ending.

    Take for instance a couple that was so madly in love they would die for the other. There aren't words to express it even. And then, one died or one had to leave the other by force - in that case I'd say it was better to have loved and lost.

    But then look at a couple that too were madly in love and would die for the other. But then that lose the spark and painfully break up. Then they'd be saying that it's not better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

    I'm lumped into that second category because I had my heart broken by the one I loved and boy oh boy was it painful. But do I appreciate that experience? Yes, I do.

    Sorry, I'm afraid I didn't much answer your question, but confuse myself. Good question though. Hope I helped a little bit. =]

  • 1 decade ago

    Now that's a hard one. all the other questions i've been able to answer quickly, because i haven't had to think about them. But this one? no. this one i have to think my opnion love chooses you, you don't choose who you love, nor do you choose when you love. Unfortunately, sometimes love comes at the most inconvenient times, but there is nothing we can do about it. So, i believe that if fate deems us worthy, then love shall come. And there is nothing anyone can do about it, or to stop it. Wow. have i been eluding the question? My apologies. True. Heartbreak is painful, i'll admit, but love is too. So what? Pain is a part of life, accept it and move on. Atleast if you've loved then you'll have the memories, right?

    At least you know the feeling of love when you have loved and lost. Those who have never loved do not know what love is

    Well....i dont really see howl ove can be a win/lose isnt something that can fall away from you....lust on the other hand....oh yes....better to lust and lose then never at alll..haha....i mean...what fun is that if u dont

    We all love and we all lose. Invariably it hurts, its a *****, its something vodka won't fix; but too love wow... its something that keeps you smiling at night and laughing in the day.

    Absolutely. The scary thing about love is that it really is worth the pain it brings. Even though I know this is the wrong place and time to be in love with the wrong person, I don't regret a single moment. I wouldn't take back my words even if i could.

    But tell me one thning where love exist????????????????????????

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I would choose that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have been loved at all. Of course having the feeling of love could always hurt you in one way or another and it'll always be in your memory. But then I've learned so much from love and being hurt. I've actually become a stronger, independent person. It's not whether I can sustain the hurt or not, it's whether I can learn from the hurt. It just means so much more as an individual.

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  • 7 years ago

    better to have loved even though the pain of the breakup can exceed the love you had. A love affair can last 7 months but the despair lingers like an open wound for years after. Yes, you learn about yourself as well as the other person. The sad part is the eternal distance; knowing you can never see or hear from the person again. It's not so much not being loved, it's not being LIKED!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's better to have loved and lost because you get to have an experience which will teach you and you get to learn from this mistake when if you never have loved life would be really boring without any experience ... to live is to love

  • 1 decade ago

    I have loved and lost, and I think it's better than never having loved at all.

    I treasure those memories I have of my love and regret the loss. It's the only thing I do regret.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would be sad never to have loved at all. Even if you loved and lost it, one can always cherish the memories.

    Source(s): Having three close friends die in the manner of four years. I cherish the love and memories we shares. Friendship and love for me are one in the same.
  • 1 decade ago

    It is not love that hurts; it is the urge to possess that when unfulfilled, hurts. If you cannot love, then you are being untrue to yourself. Love cannot be an investment.. love can only be love. Don't love expecting something in return - that is investment. Then where is the question of hurt? And if you fear hurt, understand that man wouldn't be walking for fear of falling down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Memories can be painful and if one does not know how to get over them, the memories can turn oneself into a ugly monster inside.

    On the other hand, never to have tasted love at all is one thing one should not regret on his/her death bed.

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