Question about removing a mole?

I went in yesterday for my first prenatal visit and while the doctor was pushing on my stomach she commented on my mole. I have a small, dark mole on my stomach that has been there all of my life. It's never changed size or color and I've never had another doctor express concern about it. However, she asked if it had been there all my life and then said it would have to be removed because moles you are born with are more prone to being cancerous. I pointed out a mole on my arm that's always been there and asked about that one too and she said no, it was normal color. She didn't mention it anymore after that. Should I get a second opinion or go to a specialist since she's only an OB/GYN?


Favorite Answer

Of course you should get a second meaning from an specialist, an dermatologist. She might not know that they will be cancerous only when changing size or color, so before you go and get it removed get for sure someone looking at it..